Chapter 55

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~Vincent's POV~

I pushed open the door Scott and the girls were supposed to be in.

I held up my pistol as I stormed in. Sure enough, Scott had been bound to a chair and gagged and the girls were standing at his side.

"Hands up!" I barked, pointing the gun at one of the girls and then moving it so it was aimed at the other. The two slowly moved their hands into the air, but kept their grins.

I pulled out my knife and turned, then slashed at the gag first. It fell off his mouth and the first thing he said was, "Vince! Look out!"

I looked over my shoulder just as the drove a knife in my arm. I howled in pain and lost my grip on my knife, but barely managed to hold onto my gun. I turned and fired it, but the girl I'd shot at dodged it and jerked the knife from my arm. I gritted my teeth and lashed out with my free hand, hitting her square in the nose.

She yelped, but quickly shook it off and sent the knife diving at me. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it back before she could stab me, and she gritted her teeth.

I forced her backwards and she toppled over onto the ground. I forced my foot down on her chest and looked up.

Mike had the other girl pinned to the wall and Fritz was cutting Scott loose.

I looked down at the girl again. I moved my foot up from her chest to her neck. She struggled to breath.

"Hey! Get your filthy hands off of my sister!" The other girl snarled. I pressed my foot down harder on the girls neck, ignoring her friend's protests and taking satisfaction in her struggling.

I spun the gun around and aimed it down at her, smirking.

"V-Vincent...?" Jeremy stuttered.

I forced my foot down even harder and slid my finger over the trigger.

"Vincent, that's enough!" Mike snapped.

I scowled and raised my foot up, allowing the girl a gasp of breath. I was about to slam it down hard and get rid of her already when someone knocked me out of the way an onto the floor.

The gun slipped from my hand as I fought to knock the other girl, who had been the one to attack me, off of me.

"Mike! Why did you let her loose, you idiot!?" I yelled.

"You were going to kill her! I-I had to!"

I rolled my eyes and kicked the girl off of me, then reached for my gun and stood up.

In my anger and moment of insanity, I raised the gun and aimed it at Mike.

The man's eyes automatically become wide as I pulled the trigger. The bullet met with his chest and he gasped.

I grinned insanely as he fell over onto the ground.

The others panicked, even the girls, and crowded around the limp body. I was confused about this at first until I remembered they were his cousins.

"He's dead!" One voice rang out above the others. I couldn't tell who's voice it was though, as it was mixed with the others'.

They all looked up at me.

I stood there. I'd began to realize what I had done by now and regret it deeply. I dropped the gun.

Fritz, Jeremy and Scott stood up and stalked out the door without saying a word, pushing me out of the way as they past me. The expressions on their faces were hard to read; they looked sad he was dead, surprised I'd killed him, but mostly mad.

Mad at me.

"Guys... C'mon!" I called.

They stormed out the door. I glimpsed Fritz reach for Ali's limp body, which we'd left outside the door, and heard Jeremy's terrified voice whimpering.

But then as they finally left, Scott flashed me a stern look and shook his head.

And that's when I lost it.

My legs gave out beneath me and I fell to the ground. Tears met the borders of my eyes, begging to escape and run down my face.

One of the girls suddenly jerked me to my feet and flipped me around to face them.

The girl I'd punched- the green-eyed one- now had blood dripping from her nose. The blue-eyed one was holding Mike's dead body in her arms. They both had scowls on her faces.

The green-eyed one sent a blow to my right eye. I yelped and stumbled back. I held I hand over my eye and gritted my teeth. That was definitely gonna leave me with a black eye.

"Now get out," she snarled in a dark and threatening tone.

"Alright, alright!" I yelped, then turned and took off running.

I looked over my shoulder one last time before I met with the doorway to the room and saw the girl pick up the gun and aim it my way.

I ran faster. A gunshot sounded behind me. I'd narrowly dodged that bullet.

I kept running, my thoughts racing.

The only way I had home was Mike's car. The other guys had probably already reached it and I knew they wouldn't let me ride with them now. I would have to walk home.

I took a deep breath as I turned a corner.

At least after I walked home I could find (Y/N)'s car maybe, then maybe I could go see her in the hospital.

I mean, she won't hate me, even after what I've done. I mean, she loves me, r-right? After all, she'd still cared for me when I admitted to the child murders. But this was different. This was someone close to her. Oh my god, what if she hates me, too?! My heart raced at that thought.

What if I loose her...?

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