Chapter 50

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(Mmm I'm on a roll I'm not such a lazy butthole anymore!)

~Vincent's POV~

I took a deep breath as the man toppled over onto his side. He groaned in pain as his own blood gushed from the stab wound.

I got down on my knees. Something snapped in me and I let out a short psychopathic laugh. He gasped for air, but I just smiled at him sweetly and innocently. He was finally getting a taste of his own medicine.

The gun slid from his hand. I glanced at it, then picked it up and put it to his forehead as I maintained my psychotic smile.

He shook his head. "Vincent... Pl-Please!"

"Did you ever back down when I cried for mercy!?" I snarled. He hesitated.

"Did you!?" I repeated, tears swelling in my eyes once more.

I slid my finger over the trigger as he stuttered, "N-No... But Vincent, please forgive me! I beg of you-"

"Shut up!" I shouted, then let out a psychopathic laugh. The laugh was almost like his, in a way, but louder and more messed up I guess.


"Shut the heck up, okay!? I'm sick and tired of all the lies spilling from your little maniacal mouth!" I screamed, then pulled the trigger.

Blood splattered all over my purple shirt. The scene reminded me of the day I'd killed the kids, in a way. I just sat and stared as the life drained from his eyes.

I dropped the pistol and stood up. My work here was done. He was dead.

I looked up and saw an unconscious (Y/N). I walked over and picked her up in my arms. I hugged her tight. She was still breathing.

"I'm going to get you to a hospital... And it's all going to be better... And then we can go back to our normal lives..." I said, giving a maniacal chuckle and the same insane smile I'd given that man before he'd died.

Then I turned and I walked down the hallway in silence, holding (Y/N) close.


~Scott's POV~

I stood next to the back door for a long time in the dark. I was scared in all honesty. Fritz and Jeremy had took the front door so I was all alone. I prayed my friends were okay. I'd heard a lot of commotion from my station here.

It was all quiet until I heard footsteps and backed up against the door.

"Well, well, well."

Two girls turned a corner, grinning. I gasped. Mike's cousins, the sisters who'd taken Vincent, were here in front of me. But hadn't Ali and Mike went to distract them...!?

I took off running, shoving past them. I ran and ran and ran. I had to find Fritz and Jere.

I glimpsed the two eventually and turned a corner, then ran towards them.

"Scott... What are you-" Fritz started.

"Guys!" I cut him off, out of breath. "The girls... Ali and Mike apparently-" I coughed, then finished with, "-couldn't hold them off..."

Jeremy slunk behind Fritz, whom just gave me a blank stare.

I heard footsteps and whisper shouted, "Run!"

"But what about-"

"Just run!" I growled. I took off running. Jeremy followed behind me, and then Fritz.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the girls turn a corner and catch sight of us. I gasped and ran faster.

I heard a thud. I glanced again. Fritz had tripped over a wire. Jeremy stopped and ran back to help him up as I kept running.

The boy ushered Fritz forward in front of him and then struggled to catch up as the girls gained on him. I turned a corner.

And then a cry of terror cut the air.

Fritz turned the corner just as I froze. He froze, too.

We looked around the corner. The girls were grinning, and one had Jeremy by his shirt collar, holding the small boy a few inches off the ground. I sucked in a breath.

"Jeremy!" Fritz whisper shouted. One girl turned at his call, caught sight of us, and smirked.

"What do we do!?" I said, panicking. "We can't just leave him!"

Before I could think, the girl ran around the corner. I jumped back, but Fritz wasn't as lucky. She threw her arm around his neck, holding him in a headlock as she eyed me.

The look in her cold green eyes told me she was probably going to go after me, too. I backed up.

She lifted Fritz's chin up with one finger, allowing her arm to press down on his neck. He was clearly struggling to breathe. He raised one hand and weakly put it on her arm and began to try and pull her away. It was no use, however.

All I could do was stand there and watch as he slowly lost consciousness and she let him drop to the ground.

Then she ran at me.

I had no time to think, and because of this I was soon pinned to a wall.

She grinned, but this grin looked a bit more innocent than the ones she'd given the others. My breathing became fast and ragged as my heart quickened it's pace.

"Why are you doing this?!" I said. My voice was high-pitched and showed my obvious panic.

"Oh, no reason, really... It's just fun..." She purred. I felt her put her hand on my back. I shivered as I felt her run a single finger down my spine.

"Fun!?" I yelped. "You're a psychopath!" I began to squirm beneath her, kicking and flailing helplessly.

She pulled me forward and slammed me against the wall again as she purred, "Me? A psychopath? Is that so?~"

I opened my mouth, but then she dragged me away. She reached down and grabbed Fritz by his collar, too, as she passed him. She dragged his unconscious body behind her as she pulled me around the corner.

Her sister seemed to smile as she saw she had both me and Fritz, but neither said anything. They just pulled the three of us down the hallway.

And I had a feeling this wouldn't end well.


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