Chapter 19

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~the next morning~

~Your POV~
You walked out of the room and went to the bathroom and peered into the mirror over your sink ((idc if you don't have a mirror over your sink you do now)), only to realize your (H/C) hair was a mess. You groaned and reached for a brush and began to brush your hair until it looked pretty decent, then stepped out of the room.

You stretched and yawned as you stepped out of your bathroom and walked over to Vincent's bedroom. You walked in and shook him.

"Vincent... Get up." You mumbled, smiling as he rolled over and his eyes slowly open.

He yawned and sat up, smiling. "Morning, sunshine." He murmured, stretching.

"Morning, grape." You said, smirking.

"Hey!" He yelped, causing you to giggle. You stood up and walked out of the room, hearing him follow behind.

You walked out to find Ali standing in the living room.

"Hey, um, (Y/N)... Is it okay if I maybe stay one more night...?" She said, smiling weakly. "I'll get out after that, I swear!"

You glanced at Vincent. He looked at Ali disapprovingly, but then turned back to you, let out a short sigh, and nodded.

You turned back to her and, smiling weakly, said, "Okay. Fine."

She grinned and hugged you. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She yelped, pulling away. You just smiled and ruffled her hair.

You heard your cellphone buzz and pulled out your phone, checking your texts. Scott wanted to know if you and Vincent wanted to hang out around the ruins of the pizzeria again. You replied with "Sure." and then looked at Vincent.

"Vincent, Scott wants us to come hang out with the others again," you said. He nodded and you looked at Ali.

"Ali, you wanna come?" You murmured, smiling. She opened her mouth to reply, but Vincent forced his hand over her mouth.

"Well, she's sure as heck not staying here alone, so she's coming with us, wether she wants to or not." He pulled his hand away and the girl just shot a glare at him.

"Yeah... I'm probably an idiot for leaving her here alone yesterday." You said. She crossed her arms.

"Wait, you did what?!" Vincent said, glancing at Ali and then back at you.

"Hey, for your information, I didn't leave a single scratch on anything in this house." She yelped, huffing out her sudden irritation afterwards.

Vincent rolled his eyes. You stifled a giggle; the two fought like children.

"Just come on, guys," you said, grinning, and then stepped outside and walked towards your car.


(Well This is going to be fun)

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