Chapter 11

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~Vincent's POV~

After that I just trudged home and spent the rest of the day hanging out with (Y/N), but all days come to an end and as night approached I was sure I'd have a terrifying nightmare, but to my surprise and relief it was a dream. Or, at least it seemed that way.

In this dream I walked through a children's playground. Kids were laughing and giggling and running around. It appeared to be around the middle of spring.

I turned around to see two kids wrestling underneath a slide. It appeared to be only two kids playing, but as I got closer I realized they were literally fighting and the other was yelling for the other to get off of him.

I blinked and the scene changed. The two kids were older now; they looked like teenagers. The playground was in ruins around them.

The younger of the two looked at the other and muttered something, and then they started an argument.

"What, it's my fault!? You're blaming me!?"

"Well, it's defiantly not mine! You were the one getting off track, coward!"

"I'll show you who's a coward!" The younger boy growled, raising a fist.

"No, kid. I'll show you."

The older boy pulled out a switchblade and switched it out before lashing out. The blade found its place on the side of the boy's neck, but it wasn't deep enough to cause any damage.

I stepped back from the scene as the younger boy looked up with fear in his eyes.

But then, the scene shifted again to where two men stood outside a very familiar pizzeria that used to stand right down the road from where I lived.

Freddy Fazbear's.

The two laughed, and the older one held out his hand, grinning.

"So, deal, kid?"

"Deal, old pal." The younger one said, smiling and taking his hand before shaking it.

I shot awake at this point, breathing heavily. I took a minute to let my breathing calm down. Nope, I defiantly wasn't having a good dream anytime soon.

I looked over across from the bed to where a mirror sat, and winced as I noticed a scar on the side of my neck.

I just chuckled and shook my head before going back to sleep.


He leveled up his skills
But he didn't know their meanings
And sometimes he found it hard to find the devil
In a world filled with demons

Some Colors Never Fade (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now