Chapter 56

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~Scott's POV~

The car drive was long, and all I could think about was Vincent's kill.

How could he kill Mike!? It's not like anything had ever happened between the two. It's as if he'd suddenly become as vicious as all the other people that keep screwing with our lives and just let the bullets fly.

I don't know what had gotten into the man. And when I think about it.. Hadn't Foxy said Vince was a killer once? Well, apparently the fox was right.

I just sighed and leaned my head against the car window.


~Vincent's POV~

The walk to the only place I think I could have the smallest right to call "home" was frustrating. Every few moments I'd pass a glance over my shoulder, scared someone was stalking me, prepared to put a bullet in the back of my head. My legs felt weak beneath my body, and I struggled to stay on my feet. And the worst part was that I couldn't stop making scenarios in my head where (Y/N) yelled at me because of the terrible psychopath I was.

I looked up and caught a glimpse of (Y/N)'s house and took off running, even though my legs were screaming for me to give in and topple over.

I saw my car in the driveway and cracked a small smile.

I remembered the last place I remembered ever having my keys was inside (Y/N)'s house. I had laid them down on the counter after (Y/N) had insisted on using her car to drive to the manor, which, little to our knowledge at the time, had been a trap.

I walked up to the front door a pulled at the knob, but it refused to open.

I scowled. Locked.

Then I remembered something. As soon as it clicked, I reached my hand above the door and felt around until I grasped ahold of something cold and metal.

I pulled out and held it out in front of me, admiring the spare key I had found in some way. I remembered (Y/N) had told me she'd left an extra there incase we ever got locked out. Praise the good lord above for that!

I stuck the key in the lock and twisted it around, and soon I was inside. I automatically was on a hunt for my car keys, as my want to see (Y/N) was growing by the second.

I found the keys where I'd left them, and automatically made a run for the door. I was outside just as fast as I'd shot in.

I raced to the car and hopped in, then slid in the keys.

I let a small smile slide across my face, in spite of the previous event.

It didn't matter what had happened before. It didn't matter if those losers weren't my friends anymore.

All that mattered was that I still had her.


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