Chapter 13

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~Vincent's POV~

I grinned as Mike pulled up and I hopped into his car.

"Sup, Vincent?" Mike said, grinning. At this moment I noticed Jeremy was up in front in the passenger's seat with him.

"Oh, nothing. Say, how'd you even get invited to this party, anyways?"

"Eh, I have these two rich cousins. They invited me. I don't think they actually care that much for me though." Mike mumbled, chuckling as he drove down the road.

Jeremy just shifted away, staying silent. I glanced at the boy. He really never has been right since Ali hit him with that knife that day. I sighed.

At least I would get a day away from worrying about my nightmares and two very certain people who've ruined my life in every way possible, right?

Time skip, cuz I like time skips

~???'s POV~

I laughed along with the others at the table before lowering it down to a chuckle and taking a sip of my drink.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up, only to be faced with a girl with wavy brown hair and blue eyes who was wearing a fancy black dress.

"Sir, I've got him coming. Now, where's my money?"

I snickered. You could bribe people into anything these days...

I pulled a wad of cash from my pocket and handed it to her. She took it and counted it, grinning and eyeing it eagerly.

"Good. We both have what we wanted."

Another girl came up next to her. She looked almost identical to her except with green eyes. She whispered something in her ear. The girl seemed to grin devilishly at this.

"I've gotta go now, boy. Nice meeting ya."

I couldn't help but wonder what had came up as the girls walked away, but that's when I looked up and saw that one man in purple walk through that door.

I couldn't help but let a small insane smile spread across my face.

Some Colors Never Fade (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now