After the War

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Thousand Year Blood War Arc
***(May contain spoilers)***


Ichigo quickly flashed stepped to Rukia and caught her as she fell unconscious. She stayed in her bankai, at her absolute zero state for to long. Her skin was already cracking. Ichigo had already killed and defeated Yhwach and was now by Rukia, who was in battle with the final Quincy. Ichigo couldn't hide what he was feeling at that moment. Worry, anger, it was all visible in his eyes and face expression. He carefully placed Rukia down and looked at the remaining Sternritter angrily. "You did this to her... And your gonna pay." Before the Quincy could speak, Ichigo was already beside him with his hollow mask on. He sliced him with his larger sword, then swung at the Quincy with the smaller one. The Sternritter gushed blood, but was still trying to come at Ichigo. "Getsuga... Juujishou!" This last attack defeated the Quincy in an instant. Ichigo then flash stepped to Rukia. "Rukia...!" He carried her and called out for Orihime to heal her.

"Ok Ichigo." She squeaked. Ichigo watched Rukia as she was being healed. She slowly opened her eyes. Her deep purple eyes met his light brown ones.

"Ichi... go." She stuttered. She sat up and smiled at him. He brought her into a big hug.

"Dammit Rukia! Don't scare me like that!" He held her tightly and she hugged back, snuggling her face in his chest. It got awkward for everyone watching them hug as they stayed like that for a while. Ichigo didn't seem to notice. Rukia tried to pull away but he only held tighter. He moved her hair out of the way of her ear. He didn't speak right away. "I love you..." He whispered. He kept his eyes shut tight, afraid of rejection.

Ichigo's eyes opened surprised as he heard the same words Rukia said to him. With out a moment of delay, he kissed her softly on her lips, still not aware of all the eyes on them. When he pulled away, Rukia held her temptation to kiss him again. She blushed deeply. The only thing she could think of doing is once again burying her face into his chest. "You fool!" She whisper shouted. "Everyone is watching us!" Now he was blushing. Orihime, Chad, Kisuke, everyone was there. Even Uryu, who Ichigo slapped and brought back.


Suggested by: Neko_Nae

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