He Likes You

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Rukia POV

"Rukia! My beautify third daughter!!!" Shouted Isshin. "Welcome back!" He brought me into a big hug and I blushed in embarrassment. Ichigo ran down stairs. He had a big smile plastered on his face.

"Rukia!" He said to himself. Isshin didn't let that small outburst of his get unnoticed. Isshin turned around and Ichigo quickly took away his rare smile and replaced it with a scowl.

"C'mon son! Give Rukia a hug!" Ichigo's cheeks turned red. "I know you want to!"

"Shut up old man!" He said and kicked him, sending him flying.

"Hello Yuzu, Karin." I said politely.

"Hi Rukia!!" Yuzu greeted.

"Welcome back." Karin said, not looking up from her sports magazine. "Ichigo missed you a lot ya know." He blushed furiously.

"I did not!" He yelled a little loudly. The room was filled with an awkward silence. But only for a short moment before Ichigo continued rambling. "I-I mean I did... miss you. It's not that I like you or anything. I mean I do! I do like you! As a friend!" It was quiet again. "I have homework..." He muttered and quickly turned around and went back upstairs.

Karin put down her magazine and looked at me. "He likes you."

"Yeah I know as a frien-"

"No... He likes you."


Rukia POV

Ichigo walked up to me while I was eating lunch with my friends. He motioned for me to get up. "Uhh..." His face was red. "I thought you might like it." He said and handed me a small white rabbit keychain. He had a small smile and pointed to the keychain that was in my hand. "You can put it on your Soul Pager." He said. I smiled.

"Thanks Ichigo. I really like this." Ichigo then looked away.

"It-it's no big deal really." He blushed. Ichigo walked back to eat his lunch with the others. When I turned around, all the girls were directly behind me. They saw the whole thing. Chizuru, Michiru, and Mahana spoke at the same time.

"He likes you."


Ichigo POV

Rukia and I came back to school after leaving abruptly to go kill a hollow. She got a small cut on her leg and I used it as an excuse to carry her and bring her to get healed.

"I didn't need you to carry me!" Rukia yelled loudly.

"Calm down Rukia. You were hurt-"

"It wasn't even that bad!" She kicked me in the shins then walked away.

"Oww!" I rubbed my now sore leg and proceeded to walk back to class. As soon as I turned the corner, Mizuiro and Keigo were right in my face. Mizuiro spoke first.

"She likes you."


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