Rob songmagine//Christmas imagine

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It's almost Christmas (YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM OMG) so I picked out a Christmas song :) it's not like really well known but I really like it :D
Merry Christmas you guys!!!

Song: Hey Santa! by Carnie Wilson and Wendy Wilson

Summary: Rob promised he'd be home for Christmas after visiting the rest of the Pack but his flight has been delayed and you're waiting for him

in the beginning of the song there's children singing but I didn't know how to write what they say so yeah...

(this was originally going to be a Lachlan imagine but that wouldn't work because they don't get snow so yeah xD)

The city is covered in snow tonight
The children are fast asleep
I'm waiting for him
But he's no where in sight
And I wonder if he can hear

You watched out the window at the snow still was falling down as a fountain of sparkling pieces of white powder. The ground was covered in a blanket of the fluff, in fact the whole city was.

"Are you still waiting?" you hear a small, tired voice ask making you turn around seeing your niece with a Christmas blanket wrapped around her.

"Yeah, but just go back to bed, baby," you say gently hugging her consulting her saying you'll be in bed soon. She yawns and kisses your cheek before walking back to her room making you let out a small sigh.

You continue to sit and wait for hoping for some sign of his car, but only see snow and the dark, velvet sky. You debate calling him, but realize that he wouldn't you if he was on the plane which you hoped he wasn't. The blizzard only seemed to be getting worse.

Hey Santa
Hey Santa (Santa)
I wish with all my might
Hey Santa (Santa)
Bring my baby home tonight

It was hard to believe in Santa as you've grown up, but seeing the small Sara ornament hanging from the Christmas tree, you just wished he'd hear you last Christmas list. "Bring my baby home tonight," you say to yourself taking your seat on the couch continuing to wait.

Why does it feel like it's colder than winter
Even by the fire side
My baby said that he'd be home for Christmas
And now it's almost midnight

A cold chill passes through the house, so you get up deciding to turn the fireplace on since the heater was up all the way. As the fire starts up, you sit in front of it not feeing any warmer, but get lost in the sight of the glowing embers. The memories from last Christmas flood your mind about how he said he'd be with you every Christmas, and now, it's almost midnight on Christmas Eve!

Christmas lights up and down the street
Are such a sight to see
But all the presents by the tree
They don't mean a thing 'til he's with me

The memory of you two walking across town when all the Christmas lights were up warmed your heart knowing he was with you to see this sight. It truly was beautifully how they lit up the dark in such colorful and whimsically ways. You remember getting his present that night with him not even knowing that was his present making you feel so sneaky. You chuckle softly looking seeing the gift under the tree wrapped in gold, foil paper. Then you realize, it won't mean anything if he isn't here with you to open it.

Hey Santa
Hey Santa (Santa)
I wish with all my might
Hey Santa
Hey Santa (Santa)
If you hear me wont you hurry bring my baby tonight

Knowing Santa would be here soon, you turned off the fire since it did you no good and sighed accepting the fact Rob would most likely be here before Christmas morning.

I know your sleigh is full inside
But wont you stop and give my baby a ride
I'll be waiting by candle light this Christmas

As you got ready for bed putting on your Christmas pajamas, you just hoped Rob wasn't in a plane on his back in this (darude) snowstorm. Hopefully he was safely on the ground either in Dallas' airport or in Montreal's waiting for the snow to at least die down before he went for his car. The only thing that could survive this storm was Santa's sleigh and he probably couldn't fit Rob in the back. You shook your head the thought with a fond smile, and all of the sudden, all the Christmas lights go out.

You curse under your breathe before going to the kitchen finding the box of matches a a bunch of candles setting them around the house and putting them. Well, you can't go to sleep now. The house could burn down!

Christmas lights up and down the street
Are such a sight to see
But all the presents by the tree
They don't mean a thing, Santa, please hear me

Hey Santa
Hey Santa (Santa)
I wish with all my might
Hey Santa
Hey Santa (Santa)
If you hear me wont you hurry bring my baby tonight

Christmas lights up and down the street
Presents by the tree
I hear a knock
Oh, can it be
My wish is staring back at me

You had given up at this point, the lights were all out, you were tired, and Rob wasn't here with you. At least you had your family. You begin blowing out the candles coming to the large red one of the coffee table, then someone knocks on the door. Who's out on Christmas Eve at midnight?

You open up the door revealing a snow covered Rob who smiles one of the biggest someone's you've seen from him. "Rob!" you cheer hugging him so tightly feeling the cold aiming from him.
"I promised I'd be home for Christmas," he mumbles, face buried in your shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Hey Santa
Hey Santa (Santa)
I guess you heard me tonight, yeah
Hey Santa
Hey Santa (Santa)
I'm underneath the mistletoe with my baby tonight

"Hey, it's misletoe," Rob comments looking up seeing the small plant being tied together with a red bow.
"I swear, that wasn't there before," you comment laughing in disbelief.
"Guess Santa worked a bit of magic, eh?" Rob wiggles his eyebrows smirking.
"Yeah, remind me to thank him for being you here with me tonight," you smile standing on your tiptoes (heIGHT DIFFERENCE) kissing him under the misletoe right before the clock struck 12.

Christmas songmagine done
do you guys like these? should I do more of these? I'm going to try get a Christmas themed preference out so yeah


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