Chapter 23

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Hello my lovelies!!!

I'm sorry I haven't updated for a few days, but I had a concert yesterday where i had to perform a solo so I've been quite busy practicing for that.

This chapter is dedicated to @takemehomeplease1D because she gave me some lovely feedback and also helped me decide on Tally and Louis' couple name...


Thank you sweetie <333

Oh, by the way, does anyone know if Harry has actually got his ears pierced or not?

Anyways, I love this chapter, I think its really cute and I hope you like it too!

Lucy xxx

Harry’s P.O.V.

I walked down the corridor in my pajamas. It felt good to have finally told someone my secret. I liked (y/n). She was really sweet and funny, and she’d been a really understanding friend. I was glad she’d won the competition, because I couldn’t imagine any fan that I would want to get to know more than her. I didn’t fancy her, just like she didn’t fancy me, but that was good. It meant no awkwardness, no complications - something that there were just too many of in my life.

As I reached mine, Louis and Liam’s suite, I noticed Zayn leaving his.

“Hey! Are you feeling better today?” I asked him, trying to sound as though I had no idea what had happened these past few days.

“What? Oh, yeah, much better. Thanks mate!” Zayn replied, looking at the ground.

“Can I ask you something? It’s about (Y/n)!” Zayn’s head shot up when I mentioned her name. I grinned to myself; it was obvious how much he liked her!

Zayn sighed. “What is it?”

“You like her, don’t you?” I laughed. “Oh, what would the fans ship you as?” I spent the next few minutes coming up with some… er… interesting variations of Zayn and (Y/n)’s names mixed together.

“Please stop it Harry!” Zayn whined. “And no, I don’t like (Y/n). So just stop going on about her all the time. If you like her so much, then why don’t you ask her out?”

I winced at the spite filling his voice, but managed to regain my smile and beamed at him. “Oh no. Me and (Y/n) are best friends!” I noticed the guitar and boxes that Zayn was carrying. “Look, mate. She’s a good one. You’ve got to fight for her.”

I turned to go into suite 209.

“Harry!” Zayn shouted. I span around to face him. “Thanks. I’m… er… I’m gonna go ahead to the beach. I’ll see you later.”

“Ok!” I shrugged.

“Thanks!” Zayn grinned and dashed into the elevator. I sighed. I could only hope that (y/n) would follow my advice now and sit down with Niall and Zayn to talk about it.

I pushed a curl that was flopping over my forehead back and leaned against the wall, shoving my hands into my pockets. I groaned. All the other boys were falling for girls over and over, but I never felt anything. No girl had ever seemed particularly special to me. But I wanted to find someone special, someone that I would have a long-term relationship with. I just wanted my perfect girl.

(Y/n)’s P.O.V.

It was mid-day and we’d just arrived at the beach. I’d been debating in my head what I was going to do about Zayn all morning since Harry had left. Part of me hated him, and just wanted to give him the silent treatment, but the other part of me was longing for the feel of his lips on mine once again.

Let Me Be Your Last | z.m vs n.h fanfic [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now