part 67

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"Love, n. A temporary insanity curable by marriage." ― Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary

Sophie's POV

Two years later

Today Alex is starting Kindergarten and I couldn't be more emotional.

"Aww my baby!" I cried as Cam drove to the school.

"Mom, I'm a big kid now." He says. I cry again because he sounds so much older than he is. I guess he was always that way. Isabella or Bella as we call her is also very smart. She's turning two in a few more weeks and can already read a few words.

"Mommy I want to go to school." She says. I'm shocked at her words. One because she said the sentence so clearly and two because I don't want another one of my babies to go away.

Cam parks and I get out of the car with Alex. He says goodbye to Cam and I walk him into the school. I go to his classroom and stop in front of the door.

"This is it." I sigh.

"I'll be fine mom." He smiles. My eyes tear up and I bend down to hug him.

"I was wondering when you'd be in my class." My friend Shelby walks into the hall. I smile and stand back up.

"You know my friend Shelby." I say and Alex nods. "She's your teacher."

"Oh. That's nice." He shrugs.

"Get on in there." Shelby says to Alex, laughing as he runs quickly to a group of friends. Wow...popular already.

"Make sure he's good." I smile and Shelby laughs.

"Okay, see you around." She turns and walks back into the room. I walk back outside and find our car.

"How did it go?" Cam asks. I burst into tears and he nods, driving home.

Later that day

The rest of the day we tried to interact with Bella, but she likes to be by herself. I try to play with a rattle or toy and she just walks away. She acts way to mature for her age.

Soon it's time to pick up Alex. Cam went to work so I get Bella in the car and drive to the school. I see Shelby with a group of kids and roll the window down so she can see me. She does and let's Alex run to the car. He gets in and I wave goodbye to Shelby.

"So how was your first day?" I ask.

"Good. We did lots of coloring." He smiles, waving to Bella.

"Do you want to visit daddy at work?" I ask and he nods his head quickly. I stop at Cafe Rio and grab some lunch and then drive to the movie set. I hold Bella's hand as she walks and Alex runs up ahead.

We walk in and the security guard recognizes us and leads us to the studio. We walk in and they are filming a scene.

"Shhh." I put a finger over my lips indicating the kids to be silent.

"CUT, TAKE 20!" The director yells. Cam sees us and runs over, picking Alex up to give him a hug.

"Aww thanks guys." Cam smiles when he sees his lunch. I kiss him and hand him the bag.

Alex tells Cam all about his day, while I try to yet again play with Bella. Why does she not like toys? I give up and hand her a book because that's all she will take.

The next week Bella turns two and I take her to her yearly doctors appointment. I ask about her not wanting to play with toys and they referred me to a specialist. The specialist tells me that she is a child genius. He tells me that Bella will be above all the other kids her age and will pick up on things quickly. As I drive home, I think about all the times Bella has been surprisingly genius.

When I get home, I make dinner and help Alex with his homework.

"Guys guess what!" Cam bursts through the door.

"What?" Alex and I ask.

"We are starting a mini Magcon!" He smiles. I cover my mouth in surprise and hug him.

"How long would it be?" I ask.

"Only a month, so we can do it when Alex has a break from school." He says.

I can't believe we are going back to where we started... Magcon.


Remember, I will not post this weekend because I have a competition. This is why I updated three days in a row! Also, the third book will be coming soon...

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