part 33

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"Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all." -Alfred Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam

Sophie's POV

It's been a week and I'm finally getting out of the hospital. Then we will have the boy's private plane fly us to North Carolina so that we can all go home.

"You ready?" Cam asks, taking my hand into his.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I smile and he kisses my forehead. Cam helps the nurse lift me into the wheelchair and we go down to the lobby. Cam runs out of the hospital to bring his car to the front. Once he parks it, the nurse wheels me out and they both help me into the car.

"Thanks for everything." I say to my nurse.

"Get well soon." She smiles and I wave as she shuts the car door for me.

Cam pulls out of the parking lot and we make our way to the hotel Nash was at.

"I can't wait to get back home." I say, looking at everyone walking on the streets.

"Me too. And I hope the dog sitter is okay with watching Shadow and Jaxx longer." He says and I almost forget about the dogs. I miss them so much and I can't wait to have them jump up at me as weird as it sounds.

"Yea." I smile as we park in front of the hotel. Cam helps me get out of the car and we hold hands as we walk inside together.

Once we get into our room Nash hugs me and I immediately hug him back.

"How are you?" He asks when we pull apart.

"I'm great, you?" I smile.

"Just fine." He smiles back.

"So are you ready to leave?" Cam asks Nash.

"Yup let me get my luggage." He leaves the room to get it.

"Don't worry about all your stuff, I'll buy you anything you need." Cameron says.

"No, I will not let you pay for everything. It takes a lot of money to get a whole wardrobe!" I gasp.

"Fine, you can pay for a little." He tries to compromise.

"No you can pay for a little." I reply and he laughs.

Nash comes back and we head to the airport.

After the plane ride we get into another car and drive home. I am nervous when we reach the house.

The door opens a few seconds after I ring the door bell.

"Sophie! It so great to see you! Are you okay?" Aunt Elizabeth pulls me into a hug.

"It's great to see you too. And yes I'm fine now." I smile. I see everyone else behind her and go to give them hugs.

The rest of the night was a little reunion and soon I fall asleep in my old bed. It feels like the most comfortable thing in the world after sleeping on gross old mattress.

I hope tomorrow goes well...


I had dance tonight and we did like an ab workout and my stomach hurts so bad omg😣😂😂

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