part 14

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"Sometimes love means letting go when you want to hold on tighter." ― Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange

Patty's POV

Sophie is so stupid! I can't believe she agreed to go to our house. I laughed to myself as her car followed behind ours.

"I didn't think she would fall for that." Michael chuckled.

"I know, dad is going to be so proud." I smile and so does he.

Once we reach our house, Sophie parks her car by the sidewalk and gets out. I open the door and signal my dad.

"Dad were home. We also brought a friend." I yelled. Sophie begins to look around at the pictures on the wall. I see my dad come out from a room.

"Hello Sophie."

Cameron's POV

Filming was actually fun. Shadow definitely loves to be the center of attention. I unlock the door to our apartment and Shadow runs in to find Jaxx. I smile and see Nash watching T.V.

"How was it?" He asked turning is attention away from the screen.

"Good, what have you been doing all day?" I ask, hanging up my keys on a hook.

"Nothing really, where's Sophie?" He asks.

"A friends house." I say, getting a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Do we know this friend?" Nash becomes suspisious.

"Um, forgot to ask but Sophie's capable of going to a friends house, she's not five." I laugh, sitting on the couch, taking a sip of my water.

"True, so who's going to cook dinner?"

"We can get take out." I roll my eyes and he laughs.


Hey guys! I'm back! So so so so so sorry for being gone so long, but I had to study for finals. I ended up getting 100% on most of my finals!!! Amazing right? Never thought I could do that! Anyway my parents decided to let me come back to fanfiction so here I am!

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