part 46

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"Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will" ― John Green, Paper Towns

Sophie's POV

Yesterday, all the guests left and now it's our turn. Cam, Nash, and I are going back to our apartment until our tour break is over. I finish packing my last article of clothing and drag my luggage downstairs.

"Hey, ready to go?" Cameron asks, standing up from the kitchen table.

"Yup!" I smile.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much!" Aunt Elizabeth and Gina cry.

"It's okay, we will come to visit." I assure them.

"Promise?" They say.

"Promise." I laugh. Nash comes downstairs and we say our goodbyes then head to the airport.

At the apartment

When Cameron opens the door, Shadow and Jaxx bark loudly and jump on us. I haven't seen them in forever!

"How's my baby boys." Cam says in a baby voice, bending down to pet them. They bark in response and I laugh.

"Wow Cam, they really are your babies." Nash says as he drops his bags in his room.

"Yep and I love them." He gives them both kisses.

I get down on my knees and scratch behind Jaxx's ears. Shadow gets 'jealous' and moves himself in front of Jaxx.

"I didn't forget about you." I laugh and scratch Shadow's ears.

"We were gone for awhile." Cam sighs.

"Yea, who watched the dogs?" I ask, forgetting how they were alone for so long.

"One of our neighbors." Cam says and I nod. I bring my luggage to our room and start to unpack. My foot hits something under the bed and I pick the thing up. It's a box. When I open it I see tons of pictures of Cam and I. There's a lot of stuff in the box that I own or wear. I hear someone in the room and turn to see Cam.

"What is this?" I ask.

"A memory box. I would look at it while you were gone." He says and sits down next to me.

"That's so sweet of you to make this." I smile, he didn't forget about me these past three years.

"Well I do love you. I hated that you were gone." He frowns and looks at the floor.

"I hated being away from you." I lift his face up to look at me. "And I love you too."

He smiles and hugs me. I don't think I could ever be away from him ever again.

A few days later

Today is New Years Eve, so we are getting ready for a party. I was cooking things left and right while Nash and Cam hung up decorations. I quickly finish putting the food on platters and lining the drinks up when we hear a knock at the door. Nash rushes to answer it.

"Yo man what's up!" I hear Sam yell, I see Anna behind him so I go to hug her.

"Hey!" I greet her.

"Hi! Happy New Year... Well almost." She laughs and so do I. "Need any help?" She offers.

"No, I'm finished. Thank you though." I smile.

Audrianna arrives next, then Jayden and Shawn. Soon all the boys and their girlfriends arrive along with some of our other friends.

I see it's almost midnight so I turn on our TV to watch the New York Ball drop. I find Cameron and stand by him.

"5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone yells. I turn around and kiss Cameron. I hope this year is better than the last few...


It's not New Year's, it's August... So Happy August everyone!!

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