part 64

110 5 2

"Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches." ― William Goldman, The Princess Bride

Sophie's POV

Five months later

I smiled at my best friend as she laid on the doctors table. Today we are finding out the gender of the baby. Audri agreed to be Cam and I's carrier so it happened. Audri is holding our baby.

"Alright, let's see." The doctor says. I smile to Audri, wishing Cam was here.

"It's a... Girl!" She smiles. I squeal and smile at Audri.

"Yay!" I say when we walk out of the doctors office.

"I know! A little girl!" She smiles. When we get to the car I check the clock and realize I have to go to work.

"Oh no I'm going to be late!" I shout, fumbling with the keys.

"It's okay, we will make it." Audri calms me. I got this job a few months ago. I'm a high school teacher for English. The appointment was early enough that I could go before work, but I got so caught up in things I forgot.

I run into the school, waving to Audri as she takes my car home to baby sit Alex and Liam. I make it to my classroom and get my things out for the day. The bell rings and my first period class starts to pile in.

"Good morning clas, just give me one second." I smile, grabbing the papers I need for the day.

"Okay..." I mumble quietly as I check attendance.

Soon it's my third period class, which I hate. It sounds bad, but trust me, these kids are nightmares.

"Hey Mrs. Dallas, how's it going?" Tyler asks, getting a little too close for my liking.

"I'm good, how are you?" I say, trying to be nice.

"I'm great, now that I'm in your class." He breaths down my neck.

"OKAY! Class sit down please." I say too loudly.

After class, Tyler came up to me and was once again too close.

"Yes Tyler?" I sigh.

"So uh how's your husband?" He asks.

"Good..." I say.

"Oh, is he giving you what you need? Because if he's not I could do it for him." He says in a whisper.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I yell. He throws his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry, you just get a little to close." I take a deep breath.

"I only get close to people I like." He smirks.

"I'm MARRIED!" I shout, packing up. I only teach three classes so I leave early.

"I know, but don't you miss your husband when he's at work? Hmm? I know he works on movies." He follows me after I lock the classroom.

"Go to your class before I tell the principle." I say through gritted teeth. He smiles and walks away. He has been doing this since the second week of school.

Once I get to Audri and Nash's house, I quickly text Cam I'm getting Alex.

"Hey." Audri smiles, allowing me to come in.

"Hey, how was he?" I ask, seeing Alex run to me.

"Great. He's really smart you know." She says. I pick Alex up and smile.

"Yea, he really has a gift." I look at Alex. After a few minutes of talking, I drive home. She we get home, I open the door and Jaxx tackles Alex with 'kisses'. I smile and wish Cam and Shadow were home more.

After making dinner, Cam comes home with Shadow. As always, Alex runs into Cam's arms and Shadow runs to wrestle with Jaxx.

"Hey, how was work?" Cam asks, kissing me.

"Good." I reply, setting the table.

"What about the ultrasound? What are we having?" He smiles, setting Alex down.

"A girl!" I squeal. Cam picks me up and twirls me around.

"Imagine a little you running around OMG." Cam smiles.

"I know I can't wait!" I smile back. We eat dinner with our smiles on our faces.

I can't believe we are going to have a little girl!


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is short, it's really hard for me to be on electronics because I sort of gave myself a black eye in my sleep😂😂 so it's all swollen and mess up so I'm practically blind in one eye at the moment.

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