part 56

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"One word, Frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." ― Sophocles

Sophie's POV

"What's this?" I question. I pull the sparkly object off of the plate.

"It's another charm." Cam tells me. I wipe it off with a napkin and look at it closely. It's a bride and a groom holding each other's hands.

"I love it! Thank you Cam!" I wrap my arms around him to give him a hug.

"Here let me put it on." He says and I hand him the charm and my arm. He carefully clasps it on my charm bracelet and I smile.

"Today was the best day ever." I exclaim.

"Wait till you see our honeymoon spot." Cam smirks.

"I didn't know you planned a honeymoon?" I say. He told me we weren't having one.

"Of course I did!" He smiles.

"This is why I love you." I laugh and give him a kiss.

Soon the after party ends and we make sure to thank every guest for coming before they leave. The last people to leave are all of our friends. I hug Olivia first because I won't get to see her again for awhile. She lives in New York and has two more years of college.

"Thank you so much for coming!" I say.

"Well thank you for letting me be one of your bridesmaids." She smiles.

"Your my best friend! Of course you'd be my bridesmaid!" I laugh, tearing up. I hug her again and she leaves. Then I say good bye to the Magcon boys and their girlfriends.

Shay and Gilinsky say goodbye first, I almost forget that Shay is now pregnant.

"Take care guys!" They say.

"You too, congrats on the baby." I hug them and so does Cam.

"Thanks, you're invited to the baby shower by the way." Shay smiles.

Lily and Johnson say goodbye along with Lindsey and Taylor.

Anna and Sammy talk with Cam while Jayden and Shawn come over to me.

"Don't forget our wedding! It's in like 6 months!" Jayden laughs. I laugh with her and we say our goodbyes.

Paige, Hayes, Audiranna, and Nash say they'll see us tomorrow and leave. They live near us so we didn't have to say goodbye, we see them everyday.

Now that they all left, I plop down on one of the couches in the room. I am super tired and I can't wait to sleep.

"Don't fall asleep just yet." Cam smirks.

"Why?" I yawn.

"Don't you know what happens wedding night?"


*winks* 😂😂 Sorry for not posting last week... I had my first speech and debate competition!! I'll try to post during the week, please be patient. I love you guys!!!

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