part 44

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"Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others." ― Brian Tracy

Sophie's POV

After doing all the oaths and talking junk, my dad's lawyer calls me to the stand.

"So is it true that your dad kidnapped you?" He asks and I look at Cameron.

"Yes, he did." I say, not breaking contact with Cam's eyes.

"But did you agree to go... Instead of fighting him off." He says and I'm at a loss for words. "My client here says you went with him, agreeing to go, and didn't fight him off at all."

"No, I fought him off as hard as I could, but he knocked me out." I quickly wipe the tears I didn't know we're forming.

"I'm done here." The lawyer walks back to his spot, defeated. Cam smiles at me as I take my original seat.

After our small 'recess', the judge had made his decision.

"All rise." His all powerful voice instructs. "I here by sentence Frank Smith with life in prison and a $500,000 fine for every year he is alive in his cell."

I smile and turn around to hug Cam. He kisses me and as a guard handcuffs my father, we both stick our middle fingers up at him. He just laughs and as he walks past me, he says something only I could hear.

"I'll get you back, Sophie. Don't think you're 'free' yet." He smirks and I gasp.

"Did he say something?" Cameron asks, putting him arm around my waist.

"No, nothing." I answer, not wanting to upset him.

"Good, now let's go." He smiles and we all head home.

Christmas Eve

During the next few days, we all go shopping and plan for Christmas Eve dinner. I'm currently helping Aunt Elizabeth cook the dinner which is very big. Tons of relatives are gathering in our house, making me uncomfortable because I hardly know them. Skylynn and a few other kids run around our legs while playing a game of tag.

I quickly run to the stove, not wanting my green beans and potatoes to burn. I feel strong hands wrap around my waist and turn to see Cameron.

"Smells delicious." He whispers in my ear and I laugh.

"Thanks." I say.

"Hey! Out of the kitchen! Stop distracting my helper!" Aunt Elizabeth shoos Cam off, making him laugh. I swear his laugh could cure cancer.

"Sorry! I'll just be playing with the kids." He says. Skylynn runs past him and he grabs her, lifting her into the air. She laughs uncontrollably as he tickles her.

"I've got you!" He yells and starts to run after the other kids.

"He's so good with kids!" Aunt Elizabeth says next to me.

"I know." I smile.

30 minutes later

"DINNERS READY!" Aunt Elizabeth and I shout. Everyone comes running to the huge table we set up in our house. I finish bringing the last dish on the table and look for an open seat. I see Cam smiling, patting a seat next to him. I quickly make my way over and sit down.

"Thanks for saving me a seat." I smile and kiss him.

"No problem." He smiles back.


They are so cute omg 😱😭😍

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