part 17

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"Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby- awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess." ― Lemony Snicket, Horseradish

Cameron's POV

I just got out of work the next day when my phone rang. I hurried to get Shadow in my car before answering. My screen said it was an unknown number, but I was desperate to find Sophie.

"Hello?" I raise the phone to my ear.

"Cameron?" I hear a soft cry.


"Cameron calm down... I-I." She says but stops to cry a little.

"Sophie, what is it?" I ask worried.

"Cam, I don't love you anymore. I hate you. I never wanted to be with you, we're breaking up." She says and I fall to my knees in pain.

"W-what?" I start to cry, my heart shattering.

"Cameron we are through, I don't love you." She says crying.

"Why? You just left because you didn't love me? We could have worked it out!" I cried.

"Your making this worse Cam... Just stop, I'm going to live with someone else. I-I have lived with them before... They are always drun- FUN!" She yells quickly. Wait, did she say drunk?

"I-I have to go bye." She hangs up.

What just happened...

Sophie's POV

I cried when I hung up. I hope Cam understood my message. I can only wish he could figure out my dad took me.

I had to call my family next. I dialed the number and waited for the ring.

"Hello?" I heard Hayes' voice.

"Hayes, I-" I was cut off.

"GUY ITS SOPHIE ON THE PHONE!" He yelled and I heard voices.



"Sweetie are you okay?"

I listened to all the comments and started to cry again.

"You guys are a terrible family. I hate you for taking me in. I'm going to live with a better family, one that I know." I say hoping they'll catch the 'other family I know'.

"Sophie... I didn't know you felt that way." Aunt Elizabeth said.

"Well I do bye forever." I hung up right after hearing Skylynn burst into tears.

I threw the phone back to Michael and started crying again.

I hated this... Why is my life with way?


OMG I seriously started crying when I wrote this😭

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