part 28

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"Oh no. Don't smile. You'll kill me. I stop breathing when you smile." ― Tessa Dare, A Lady of Persuasion

Sophie's POV

We were almost to the front of the line when some inappropriately dressed girl goes over to Cameron. They talk for a little before she starts to pull him away from his chair. He apologies to the crowd and I stand there speechless as she drags him away.

"CAMERON NO!" I scream and he turns his head around, noticing my voice. Through the tears in my eyes, I see him try to get out of the girl's grasp and run over to me. The girl stomps away angrily.

"SOPHIE," he yells crying. Some security guards rush over and hold Cameron back from running towards me.

"LET ME GO! THATS SOPHIE, SHE'S BEEN MISSING FOR TWO YEARS!" He screams, drawing a crowd. Soon everyone is quiet. I heard some whispers and Olivia slowly helps me stand up on my now wobbly legs.

"S-Sophie?" Cameron walk slowly towards me as the bodyguards let go. I nod quickly starting to cry again. He runs super fast to me and lifts me up and twirls me around. The crowd claps and cheers as I cry my eyes out.

"Hey everyone can you please excuse us, we need to catch up." Cameron says and it seems like everyone is fine with it. He takes my hand and leads me backstage. Soon Nash and Hayes come back and give me hugs.

We all sit down and they stare at me, Cameron crying.

"Well first of all, what was with those phone calls?" Nash asks.

"Let me tell you the whole story." I take a deep breath before starting. "So as you know, I went to my friends house. His name is Michael and his sister is Patty. I thought they were nice so I agreed, but when I got into the house, my dad was standing there. Michael and Patty quickly grabbed me and threw me into a room. My dad explained that he 'needed' me and 'didn't mean' what he did before. He said we are going to move and that I have to lose contact with all of you." I said. I quickly wiped my tears before continuing.

"I was forced to tell all those things to you and I never meant one word. I was thinking you would catch on the my little hint, but I guess you never did." I laugh to myself thinking about it. "Then after that we went to Texas where I spent most of my days locked in a closet, duct tape over my mouth and around my ankles and wrists. Some days I would never eat... And my dad had neighborhood parties. During those parties I was yet again in the closet. I missed all holidays and I didn't receive anything for my birthday or Christmas. At the New Year's party, one of Michael's friends found me in the closet. My dad threatened him and we were forced to move here. My dad put the blame on me making me feel terrible."

"I was ordered not to make eye contact with anyone and I couldn't talk to anyone at my college. I'm in my last year because I'm doing extra classes so I can graduate early. A few days ago, some girls in my class were talking about you, Cam, and I asked to see her phone. I haven't had any devices in two years so I never knew what was going on. I saw the meet and greet tours and knew that it was my chance out of this nightmare. When I went home I found my dad's hidden computer and bought the ticket and now I'm here." I finish.

"I'm so so so sorry Sophie!" Cam says hugging me. They all start crying and Nash and Hayes soon hug me as well.

"I'm sorry you had to suffer while I called of all searches. This is all my fault." Cameron cried.

"This is not your fault. Do not blame yourself for this. My dad is held accountable for everything that has happened to my these last two years. I'm just glad I'm finally with you guys now." I say.

"I'm calling mom and dad." Hayes says. He puts his phone on speaker and we wait.

"Hello?" I hear Aunt Elizabeth's voice.

"Mom, guess what! We found Sophie!" Hayes yells and she screams for everyone to come to the phone.

"Sophie dear are you alright?" She asks.

"Yes I'm fine. And everything I said in the phone call was all lies. My dad kidnapped me and forced me to do that. I'm so sorry!" I exclaim.

"That's okay Sophie. I'm just glad your okay now." I hear Uncle Chad say.

"Is Skylynn there?" I ask.

"Yes." I hear her little voice. She must be 8 now right?

"I'm very sorry for what I said. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again." I say waiting for her answer.

"I forgive you. I can't wait to see you too!" She screams and we all laugh.

In this moment, I couldn't be more happier.


Crying right now omg😭😭

Btw I finally made a Twitter lol my user is: @sydnaiwrites

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