part 59

104 6 2

"I'd learned that some things are best kept secret." ― Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

Sophie's POV

I sat with Shay all day and waited for everyone to come back for lunch. Soon I hear a bunch of voices so I knew they were close. They all walk in and Cam sits down next to me.

"Hey, how was it?" I ask after he kisses me.

"Super fun, are you okay?" He wraps his arms around me.

"Yea... I'm just feeling a little sick." I answer.

"That sucks. I know you've been looking foreword to this." He says and I nod.

The end of the day

We walked out of the park, super tired. I held on to Cameron as security brought us to our car. We said our goodbyes to everyone and drove home.

When we got home, Cam carried me upstairs to our bed and laid beside me.

"Cameron." I whisper.

"What?" He answers. I was almost asleep, my eyes fighting to keep open.

"I have a secret." I say.

Cameron's POV

Secret? "What is it?" I ask, but she doesn't answer. I carefully look over her and see that she fell asleep. I guess I'll just wait until tomorrow.

In the morning, I decide to make Sophie a special breakfast because I feel bad that she is so sick. Once I finish making breakfast, I hear the toilet flush so I knew she was up. She slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I smile and she sits at the table.

"Morning." She fake smiles. I knew it was fake because I've seen her real smile thousands of times.

"What's wrong?" I walk over to her. "And why do you smell like throw up?"

She laughs and grabs a glass of juice I set out.

"I'm fine." She sighs, taking a sip. Thirty minutes pass and she doesn't eat any of her breakfast.

"Are you not hungry?" I ask quietly. I worked so hard on this dumb breakfast.

"I-" she stops. "Not really... Sorry Cam. It was very thoughtful of you, but I-I just can't."

"Do you want to tell me something?" I ask, remembering the 'secret' thing last night.

"No." She quickly answers.

"Well last night you told me you had a secret to tell me, but you feel asleep before you could say anything." I say.

Sophie's POV

I did what? I took I deep breath. I need to tell him.

"I do have something to tell you actually..." I set my juice down and stand in front of him. I hold both of his hands and look into his eyes. He looked frightened like I was going to tell him bad news.

"I'm pregnant." I say and he just stares at me. I laugh a little. "You're going to be a father!"

"Really?" He screams. I nod and he jumps up and down holding me in a hug.

"What's going on?" Nash called from upstairs. I almost forgot he was here because he's usually at Audrianna's.

"Sophie's pregnant!" Cam yells and Nash smiles.

"Congrats! This is great news!" He says and comes downstairs.

Cam bends down in front of me and lifts my shirt up a little. He kisses my stomach and stands back up.

"I'm going to be a father..." He smiles and kiss me on the lips.


I'm so excited to write about babies lol!! Sorry I didn't post last week I had a speech and debate competition so you know I won't post on those days. (They only happen once a month) I will start to post through out the week instead of once on the weekends because I finally found a writing schedule that works for me!

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