part 38

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"Parents were the only ones obligated to love you; from the rest of the world you had to earn it." ― Ann Brashares, Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood

Sophie's POV

The plane ride to Nebraska was nerve racking. I held Cam's hand the entire ride and bounced my right leg over and over repeatedly.

"Sophie, Calm down." Cam says in a soothing voice. "I promise nothing bad will happen, I will be here to protect you okay."

I nod in response, my throat is too dry for me to speak.

"Want some water?" He asks and I nod again. He presses the flight attendant button and one comes over to our row.

"What can I help you with?" She smiles.

"Can we have a glass of water?" Cam asks and she nods then leaves to go get it.

I stare out the window and take a deep breath. What am I worried about? My dad is being held in a cell until our court date so he won't be there. What's so bad about Nebraska? Nothing.

"Get a hold of yourself Sophie." My conscious tells me and I mentally slap myself.

The lady comes back with my water and I quickly drink it all.

"You okay now?" Cameron asks, smiling.

"Yes, thank you for helping me." I smile back.

"Your welcome." He says and kisses my cheek.

When we get to the hotel, I take a short nap while everyone goes out to eat. Soon I wake up and everyone is still gone. I get out my camera and decide to film a video to tell everyone what happened to me.

After I film, I start to edit on my old laptop from my room. Cameron comes through the door half way through my editing with a take out box.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" He kisses my lips and hands me the box.

"Editing my video." I say, putting the laptop beside me and opening the box. I was VERY hungry.

"Cool, so tomorrow for the meet and greet we will have a stage." Cam starts to talk as I eat. "That means we have to perform." He says and I laugh.

"I know silly. Who's performing?" I ask, stuffing my face with another bite.

"The Jack's will perform most of the time and Sammy's friend 'Skate' will also perform. And we were hoping you and Shawn will perform as well." He says and I almost choke on my Chicken Alfredo.

"What? No!" I start to freak out.

"You've done it before, and it's just one song." Cam says.

"I know, but the show is tomorrow! It's late at night! How are we going to rehearse?" I stand up and start to pace around the room.

"Just wing it!" Cam laughs and I give him a look and he throws his hands up.

"Okay, I'll figure something out." I say and slip my shoes on.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I'll be right back." I tell Cam. I leave our room and head to Shawn's. I impatiently knock on the door and Jayden answers.

"Oh hey Sophie! What's up?" She smiles and as much as I want to throw her outside of the room I decide it would be best if I didn't.

"I'm fine, where's Shawn?" I ask, peering into the room over her shoulder.

"Oh he's practicing on the stage." She says and I thank her before looking for the meet and greet room.

I find it and I'm about to open the door when I hear something weird. I press my ear to the door to listen.

"You can't tell her okay." I hear Shawn. Who's he talking to?

"Don't worry, no one will know." I hear a girl's voice. Who's that?

"Good, because if Jayden found out she would freak." Shawn says, making the girl laugh.

"Oh, look at the time! I have to go!" The girl says.

"Okay, bye." Shawn's says and it's silent for a few seconds before I hear someone start to walk. I quickly rush behind a statue thing and I see the girl leave the room. She stops for a moment to reapply her lipstick, before leaving the hotel.

What the **** was that?


Hey💜 How's everyone's summer going? Sorry about the cliffhanger!!

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