part 39

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"Life is slippery. We all need a loving hand to hold onto." ― H. Jackson Brown Jr., Life's Little Instruction Book: 511 Suggestions, Observations, and Reminders on How to Live a Happy and Rewarding Life

Sophie's POV

After the girl left, I slowly walked into the room to see Shawn sitting on the stage.

"Oh hey Sophie!" He smiles.

"Heyyy." I drag out the end, trying to not sound suspicious.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Cam told me that we should perform and I wanted to rehearse or something, but I understand if your busy..." I trail off, not wanting to ask him about the girl.

"How could I possibly be busy at this time?" He laughs and I fake one.

"Yeah, so what should we sing?" I ask, slowly walking over to sit next to him.

"I was thinking we could sing a song I wrote." He hands me a paper.

"Air?" I ask confused when I read the title.

"Yea, do you not like it?" He sounds worried.

"No I do, I was just confused about the title." I actually laugh.

"I guess Air is a weird title... Only to you though." He jokes.

"I think it's a weird title to everyone." I joke back and we laugh.

"I know you'll do great, don't worry." Shawn says.

"Thanks, I hope so." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"No problem, get some sleep. You don't want to yawn in the middle of singing." He laughs.

"Ha Ha very funny." I say sarcasticly.

"But seriously, sleep." He says and I nod.

"You too." I point at him.

"Yes ma'am!" He salutes me.

"Goodnight!" I yell as I leave the room. I totally forgot about the girl that was just with him. I sigh and go back to my room.

I quietly open the door just in case Cam is sleeping. I look and he's lightly snoring on his bed.

I change into my pj's and lay down on my bed as I run my fingers through my hair. The dye is almost all out so I'll have my brown hair again. As I think about the dye, my dad comes to mind. I wonder what's happening to him right now. Not that I care, but I'm just curious.

The next morning we all head down to the stage. The Jack's perform three songs and Skate does two. Shawn and I are up next and I guess you can say I'm nervous. When am I not?

"Now, Shawn will be singing one of his own songs 'Air' with...Sophie!" Nash introduces us and fans scream.

I get up on stage and wave before sitting on a stool in the center. Shawn's sits next to me with his guitar.

"Hope you guys like this!" Shawn's says before strumming the first note.

"Never thought that we would end up here, Should've known it from the start. I know you mean it when you say you love me, But we're trying way too hard" Shawn sang.

"Used to think that we would last forever, How could I've been so wrong. Never thought I'd be the one to say this, What if our time has come and gone?" I sing my part as best as I can.

Soon the song comes to an end and with both sing the last words.

"Air, air, air, air, air, air, air, air ,air, air, air, air." We sing. The crowd cheers and a smile shows up on my face. When I walk of stage, Cam runs to hug me.

"You did amazing!" He kisses me. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" I shout over the screams and he smiles.

Nebraska is better than I thought it would be.


Last nights Carter drama was crazy! Taylor's YOUNOW became the most watched YOUNOW ever with over 10,000 people watching it was unbelievable! And the tweets by Taylor and Hayes were kinda hilarious... Sorry not sorry😂😂

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