Chapter 19

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                                                  Tuckers POV

  I cant believe it. Just as I was about to go get something to eat with Macy, coach called. I shook my head slightly thinking about what our breakfast could have led to. "whatever coach wanted a meeting" I said pulling infront of the school.

Coach hadnt called one of these random meeting before, but being captain of the varsity football team and the varsity baseball team, maybe he wanted to talk about something important. I wouldnt think there was anything though, we had just had a game and the next one wasnt till next weekend. I stopped myself from wondering since I was going to find out in a matter of seconds.

I looked down the empty abandoned halls towards coach's office. Something about Summer Cantel High School during the weekends is eerie. Normally, when I walk down the hall I get welcomed and stopped to talk to but on the weekend it was empty. Not even the teachers or principals were here on the weekends.

When I reached open the door I found that its locked "Your kidding me" I said as I started to knock. "He calls and he's not even here.".

I slid onto the ground to wait for him to show up for our important meeting. It seemed alittle odd that coach wasnt here but maybe he had a good reason.

Two hours passed and I was tired of waiting. Two hours of sitting on a tile floor, listening to music and entertaining myself with new apps on my phone was enough for one day.

I stood up staggering alittle due to both of my legs being asleep. I hate the feel of anybody part being asleep but most of all my legs, it feels like im not even touching the ground for a while then it turns into pain (yes pain, I get tackled daily and leg sleep is what I find painful). After my legs woke up, I knocked one last time before heading out the school.

I couldnt belive I had wasted a chance to have breakfast with Macy just so I could sit outside an empty office, in an empty school, on a weekend of all times. Why had he called? I wondered as I walked out the schools front door and turned to lock it.

"Tucker Carson?" I heard as I turned the key. The voice sounded familiar, it sounded like the person I was supposed to have a meeting with.

"Yeah coach?" I asked turning around putting my keys back into my pockets.

"What are you doing here? no big plans?" he asked jokingly walking towards me.

"well I did but not anymore" I said thinking about the fact that I had canceled on Macy.

"hmm, Well since we are both here why dont we talk about the season and the plays." he said unlocking the door I had just locked and walked in.

"Sure" I said then looked at  my phone.

Once he was out of view I leaned against the wall "Who had called me if it wasnt him?" I asked out loud looking at the number that had called to tell me about the meeting. It read Coach but it wasnt him who had called.


Later that night. close to ten. After the meeting.


After hours of talking about gameplays and the people on the team coach finally called it a night. Thankfully because I still had to meet Macy on Call of Duty for our rematch.

I jumped into my truck and drove off before coach had even walked out of the building. I was in a hurry but of course I caught ever red light on the way, which has never happened before.

As soon as I got home I went straight to my xbox and waited for the game to load.

"Shes still on" I said smiling and sitting down on the couch.

As soon as I sat down, GlitterKiller was gone. I sighed then got up leaving the game on, I had missed the rematch. I glanced down at Ace who was leaning against me as I stood looking at my phone.

"What do you want?" I asked looking down at him still.

He started wagging his tail, still stareing up at me as he howled.

"okay I get it your hungry" I said laughing slightly.

 The dog only thought about food and playing fetch, he cared nothing about being a watch dog. I walked into the kitchen and poured him a large bowl of dog chow. He immediately left my side and dove right into the food.

"Your a pig" I said jokingly as I walked out of the kitchen and up to my room.

I laid in my bed thinking about what I had actually spent the last part of my weekend doing, talking about sports. This weekend hadnt been like the past ones. Instead being at parties or being at some sports event, I had just hung out doing really nothing but enjoying it.

"hmm, I like this" I said smiling as I thought about my weekend still and listened to my music.


It took forever to write this sorry, had writters block for what feels like forever.

I hope you guys like the chapter :D and Thanks for reading!

Let me know what you think about it and if you have any ideas for the story just let me know :D.

Thanks again! :D. Fan, vote, and keep reading.please.

<3 Di

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