Chapter 40 Epilogue

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Finale chapter, is in third person so not Vex's point of view.



Smiling to herself, Vex opened the laptop slowly, her hands on the keyboard, ready to press the button.

After returning from the hospital last week, saying she had bed rest for a couple days and then just needed to take a couple meds for another week, Vex felt great. Now with the horror gone, she was able to actually tell Noah she loved him.... and without all the adrenaline behind it. Of course, Noah had replied back with the same thing, his mind staying set on her, especially now that it was over.

A few days later, they drove to Wes's grave, now also home to her mother's grave. There, the placed fresh flowers and grieved, finally having the chance to do so with the horror behind them. While there, Vex took a small note from her pocket, the thin green paper blowing slightly in the breeze before she placed it under a small stone. The note read


I can't fulfill the promise I made too you, after what has happened, it seems to much and to real. I truly hope you will forgive me, though I know if you were here, you already would have. I plan to delete it entirely, but not before I post one last thing. I began a message when I moved to Lakewood, now I need to finish it.


Leaving it there, she knew she didn't need to, but she felt better about it. It was her way of leaving behind something from the past and moving on to something in the now... in this case, she was letting go of Wes. Sitting in front of her computer that same day, she kept that small, unspoken promise in the note. Typing away, she finished her message.

I moved to Lakewood, and though there was a horror along with that decision, I don't regret it. I survived the Lakewood slashing, I survived and so did some of my now closest friends. I can't say that this won't haunt me forever because it will. To much was revealed about me that no one can explain. Not even my grandmother. This in turn begs the question, where is my real father? And, is this truly over? Piper said she had one last final surprise...but that was just the blood loss, right?

Smiling one final time to herself, she pressed the button, allowing the loading screen to pop on the computer. She was deleting the Last Scream, along with the horror it had brought her. Turning around, Noah stood in the doorway, smiling at her.

"Come on, Audrey wants to grab a bite to eat." Standing from her chair, Vex followed Noah out of the room.


Hands typed away rapidly on the computer, recovering the file as it was deleted. The Last Scream wasn't over. They thought to themselves. It still has its final breath. Recovering the entire profile, a smile formed under the mask as they typed in a new title. A new story. A new horror.

"Little Vex, it isn't over yet."


See you guys next season >:)



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