Chapter 16

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Groaning, I wasn't surprised to see a black cloth over my eyes, blocking out any light that there was. Trying to move my hands proved to be useless as well, I could feel the ropes rubbing against my wrists as I tried to wriggle free.

"Help." I moaned, it was blocked by whatever was covering my mouth, my guess, duct tape. Screaming in the back of my throat, I was happy to find it made a lot more noise. Continuing to do that, I instantly stop once I heard voices coming around the corner. There was a scream and then I heard him, Noah. You couldn't stop me, screams erupted from my throat as I tried to get his attention wherever he was. Quieting down, I waited to see if they can hear me, if I was helping any.

"Wait, guys, did you hear that?" Jumping on the floor, I continued to scream, the shuffle of feet clear.

"Noah!" I was shouting through the tape, hoping he would get to me. Something gooey was running down my back, making me shiver but even then, I continued to scream until I heard a curtain part.

"Vex? Oh god." It was Noah. Tears streamed down my face as I felt him touch my face lightly before pulling off the blind fold. Carefully, he removed the tape, allowing me to finally talk but there wasn't many words. I cried quietly as he undid the bindings before pulling me into a tight hug as the curtains parted again.

"Vex?" I heard Audrey before she was on the floor by my side. "Oh god, we need to get her out of here." I heard Audrey whisper. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain on the back of my head as Audrey gently touched it. Wincing, I pulled away from Noah, only to see her fingers. They were covered in blood- my blood. 

"Oh god Vex, how did this happen?" Noah asked softly. I saw Emma over in the corner, keeping the light on us as Audrey and Noah examined me.

"I left your house to go back and, I thought my mom was home, the door was unlocked. I walked in a little because, you know you always keep the door in sight. I even went as far to check behind the door just in case. He must have been outside because suddenly, something hit the back of my head and I woke up here. Then- then I heard you guys and I knew I needed to somehow get your attention." Audrey's eyes were wide in horror as Noah stroked my tear-stained face, pulling me into another hug.

"Wait, this is almost to perfect. You wake up right when we come here. You're dropped off exactly where me and Emma would find you. It all seems a little, well, set up." Carefully, Noah stood up, pulling me to my feet as well. A wave of nausea washed over me as I leaned into Noah, trying to regain my composure. 

"Come on, we need to get you out of here." Noah whispered, pulling me close to him as we slowly made our way to the curtain.

"This is Rachel's." Audrey suddenly said, shining her light on a small table. Looking around, I noticed that we were in some kind of storage room.

"Nina's necklace." Emma whispered. Walking forward, I let out a short gasp.

"That's the one I gave her on her birthday." Noah pointed at the key chain lying on the table.

"That's Riley's key chain. Bastard took souvenirs." Holding close to Noah, I carefully looked around, searching for anything else.

"Emma." Audrey suddenly said, shining her light at the top of one of the shelves. All looking up, I almost had a heart attack at the sight. There were pictures strewn all along the ceiling, and in the very middle, it was a picture of Emma.

"The missing yearbook pictures." Noah sighed, raising his light as well. "It's you." He said, pointing to the picture of Emma.  

"And you're the star of the show." Audrey said. 

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