Chapter 5

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Rules of a Horror movie. Rule number one, do not go upstairs. Upstairs is like a death sentence unless you're A. in the basement with no windows or doors to exit the house or B. You have a roof that allows easy access out of your house. A broken leg will not help you will trying to escape your killer. Rule number two, get a weapon and stay calm. Stay calm because, breathing heavily, crying, screaming or yelling will make it impossible to hear if the killer is sneaking up behind you. I suggest get in a corner with no doors or windows so that the killer is forced to confront you head on. Grab a weapon as well, you can't fight a chainsaw, knife, scissor, katana wielding maniac without a weapon of your own. Lastly, and probably one of the most important rules- stay in a group of people. When you're at a party, or a cabin, lake, island, anywhere! You. Stay. With. The. Group. Being off alone is like shouting for the killer to come kill you because no one will hear and you're utterly alone. Some other tips as well, keep your V-card, suspect everyone and most of all, don't underestimate the killer. No one is safe and no where is safe. He will kill you when he gets the chance anywhere, anytime. If you follow these rules, you may be that survivor at the end of your own horror story.

Sighing, I closed my laptop, looking out the window. After I had dropped Noah off at his house, I had came straight back here. I had felt the need to kill someone and the only way I could get over that was to write. My blog was my safe zone, the only place I could- I was cut off by the sound of my phone beeping. Standing up and shuffling to my bed, I saw Noah's face pop up. Except, it wasn't Noah's name. He had put Mr. McSexy as his contact. Laughing, I pressed the answer button, allowing his living face to fill my screen.

"What is it McSexy?" He laughed on the other line, walking over and plopping down onto his bed.

"I see you saw my contact name... I expect that to stay the same for the rest of your life." Rolling my eyes, I did the same as him, propping myself up against a pillow.

"Why are you calling me so late? I thought you would be passed out after nearly freezing to death." He shook his head, pursing his lips.

"Nah, instead I was stalking this really cool blog and noticed there was a new post." I bit my lip slightly, holding back a laugh.

"I literally posted that like a minute ago, how did you manage to read it all and call me within like, 5 seconds?" Shrugging, he grabbed a pillow behind him, pulling it between him and the phone.

"I'm a fast reader and, I have both you and Audrey on speed dial." Chuckling slightly, I shook my head.

"Why the hell am I friends with you? You're such a weirdo." He smiled just as his phone dropped, smacking into his face. I couldn't help it, a howl of laughter erupted from me as he picked up the phone, giving me a glare.

"Not funny. And you're just as weird as me, maybe weirder. We're are like the perfect trio. We've got the blogger, you. We've got the genius with a serial killer fetish, me. And we have the film girl who always has a camera, Audrey. We could make like, the number 1 hit movie in America if we wanted." Shrugging slightly, I nodded.

"Well, if my journalist career doesn't launch, I may take you up on that offer." I heard Noah laugh but I had paused the chat, looking at my email. My phone had beeped, indicating a comment on my blog. Looking, the email wouldn't show me what it said. Pulling back up the chat, I took Noah with me as I walked over to my laptop, opening it up.

"Vex, you okay?" Noah asked, I looked down at him, giving him a tight smile.

"Yeah, someone just commented on my blog and my email wont let me see it." Opening it up, I was shocked to find there were no comments but my inbox showed that someone had Dm'd me. Clicking on it, it was an unknown user.

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