Chapter 23

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So beyond pissed that this chapter just basically deleted itself. I had to completely rewrite it so things are definitely a little different. I'm sorry to all of you who were confused about what happened, I came back to fix it after receiving numerous messages as well as comments on the matter. Hope this shows up and if it does, I hope you enjoy it. Again, sorry for the mess up.



"Just please Noah, I can't. You don't have to act like you care, just leave. I'll see you at school." Noah stood, mouth agape as he looked down at me.

"Really? You just received a call from your supposed dead ex and you're telling me to leave?" Closing my eyes and exhaling deeply, I looked up at him.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't think I'm the killer." His eyes widened as he stumbled for words, masking the hurt, I nodded.

"Just, please, go." He didn't even fight me now, he just left, leaving me to break down alone. I couldn't keep falling like this, I couldn't keep depending on people. That was my one true weakness, ever since Wes. I needed to be there for myself and crying alone in a room wouldn't help me. Standing up and wiping the tears from my eyes, I ran down the stairs, grabbing my keys and hoping into the truck. I could see Noah walking down the street, so, pulling out, I drove the opposite way. I could change my name, I could change everything about me but it would mean nothing if I didn't change my attitude. But, with a new attitude comes a new girl.


Running my hand through my new hair cut, I revealed in how pretty it had turned out. I had given up the dark to light hair for a black with red highlights, something I had always wanted. Looking at it in the mirror, I felt the slight rush of fear as I looked at it. I knew it really meant nothing, but this was something I had never done.

Don't be scared anymore.

Slamming my mirror shut, I drove around town for a little, trying to keep my mind off things as I thought of the coming school day tomorrow. I had heard we were taking self defense classes, something I wouldn't really need to take but, of course, the school was forcing me to take. Then, there was of course the Noah problem. I couldn't believe him. I was his friend, someone he was supposed to trust and now, now he does this? How could he accuse me? How could he stand there and look at me with that disgusted look in his eyes? A single tear slipped from my eyes as I thought about it, thought about the pain it was bringing me. Then, I simply wiped it away. No more crying, no more weak Vex.


Standing in the gym with everyone else, I groaned as the coach began to spoke. After an hour of learning the basic self-defense steps, he now wanted us to fight each other, girl on boy. Slowly, Audrey and Will stepped to the mat, Audrey looking slightly pissed off. As Will put his arm around her neck, she grabbed it, flipping him off of her before pinning him down and twisting his arm behind his back. I couldn't help it, a small laugh erupted from me as I looked down at Will as Audrey stood up, walking back over to Emma's side.

"Um, good Ms. Jensen. Very good. Now, Vex and..." He looked around at the group of boys, trying to decide who I should fight. My heart all but stopped as he called the one name.

"Noah. Come on you two, get up there." Carefully stepping onto the mat, I looked at Noah who was tensed up.

"Coach, I'm not going to fight him." I said as Noah put his arm around my neck, preparing for whatever was about to happen.

"Oh, come on. Don't be a sissy. I'm not expecting anything like Ms. Jensen just did, now come on, fight!" Okay, I was completely pissed with him, so I did channel a little of that in there, but I could never hurt Noah seriously. So, instead of doing what I would have actually done, I channeled it down. Rearing my leg forward, I brought the heel of my foot into his knee cap, loosing his grip on my neck. Grabbing his arm, I twirled until it was behind his back. Then, I pushed him to the ground, locking him down. Not even a moment after I won, I was off the ground, pulling him to his feet.

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