Chapter 24

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Sitting in the small jail cell for a couple of hours, I felt myself dozing off. It was around 8:30 now and the only thing I had to look forward to staring at the grey walls until tomorrow morning. Sighing, I knocked my head softly against the wall. Wonder how long it would take them to realize I wasn't the murderer? Probably until another kid got murdered, then they'd let me go. Suddenly, there was the sound of keys clanging and then the large steel door outside my cell opened, revealing the lady from earlier. Walking forward, she unlocked my jail cell, motioning for me to follow her. Standing off the small cot, I quickly scrambled out of the cell, allowing her to lead me out of the jail block.

"Your alibi was confirmed for both the night of Nina's murder and Riley's. You're free to go." Stopping, I turned to her, arching my brow.

"Who confirmed them? I never even gave an alibi." The woman smirked.

"Well, while you were refusing to talk, a couple of your friends showed up, gave us the entire story. We told them you weren't talking and they told us why. It's okay-" She reached out, touching my shoulders gently. "You don't have to be afraid of talking to someone about your past. I saw your files, I'm glad you're finally seeking help." My eyes widened as she spoke. Cracking a nervous smile, I chuckled.

"Yeah, well, I thought it was about damn time." Walking forward, I pushed open the doors into the waiting area, causing the three culprits to stand up. The smile instantly fell from my face as Noah and Audrey to look at me nervously. I was half tempted to turn around, say they were lying and go back to the jail cell. Though, I knew if I did that I would be taking them down with me. Instead, I sucked it up, putting on a fake smile.

"You guys did come to my aid, though, I'm not one for the damsel in distress crap." Audrey cracked a smile, trying to lighten the obvious tension between us, but it wasn't working.

"Well, we knew you needed our help." Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I motioned for them to follow me outside. I guess I needed to talk to them now, give them my thanks and then be off. They were going to keep my laptop until sure that there was nothing else they needed, so I had nothing to grab. Leaving the station, I walked down the stairs until I was in front of the bushes, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Why are you here?" I began, looking at the two. Audrey hung her head a little, keeping her hands at her sides while Noah looked up me, guilt in his eyes. "Seriously? I didn't need your help. My mom could just as easily given them the alibi for Nina's murder. Why did you come? You both thought I did it anyway." There was a slight drizzle above us, the sky crackling with the incoming storm.

"Don't blame Audrey-" Noah began, stepping forward. "She didn't believe for a second that you did it, I was the one who did. This was her idea, she managed to get it through my head that you couldn't have possibly done something like this." Suddenly, a car pulled up, flashing the brights at us. Blocking my eyes, I saw Audrey's dad sitting in the car. Turning back to her, she flashed a look at Noah before scampering to the car. Pulling away, I watched the car travel down the road till it was out of sight, leaving me and Noah alone.

"Look, Vex, I'm-" I held up my hand, stopping him from saying those words. I heard that way to often.

"Don't. Don't say you're sorry. Instead, prove it to me. Instead of instantly assuming things, let me explain first." He sighed, nodding his head. "I mean, do you even care Noah? Am I just some game to you? Cause if so, just tell me and I will stay out of your life." He shook his head, stepping forward a little. There was a loud clap of thunder above us as he quickly scrambled for words.

"I- I just-" Sighing, he shook his head. "I just don't want to feel like this." His voice was defeated as he hung his head, hiding his eyes from me. Letting my heart get the best of me, I stepped forward, lifting his chin with my finger.

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