Chapter 22

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"What the hell do you mean, motive?" Noah yelled. After I had realized my laptop was missing, I had searched thick and thin for it. Of course, none of it came up.

"Motive Noah, what do you not get?" Noah groaned, continuing to help me search around the house.

"I don't get what you could possibly have motive for! Just stop!" He yelled. I froze in my tracks, looking up at him. "What the hell did you do Vex?" Sighing, I sat down on the floor, crossing my legs.

"You saw the video on Nina's laptop, well I knew about that one. You're not the only one who can hack. I had it on my laptop so, if the killer uses it to frame me, it'll be motive for killing Nina." Noah shrugged, shaking his head.

"But you don't have motive for anyone else." I gave him a pointed look.

"Actually, I do. With Tyler, I have all the texts saved from my phone on that laptop. He threatened to expose my secret about my father and Wes. When Nina and him learned that I knew about the little computer scam that had gotten Nina that video of me confessing, the threatened that if I told anyone, they'd expose me. As for Riley, well Noah, look at us. The cops talk to anyone saying that we even look at each other like we like each other, there's motive right there. As for Rachel, well they could just say she was a random kill. Or, they could even go as far to say that I killed her in order to make me and Audrey closer and earn her trust." Noah looked at the floor, taking a small step back.

"You didn't do it though, did you?" Huffing out a large breath, I stood up, going back to search for my laptop.

"Really Noah, if you think I would ever do that to you than just get out. I didn't kill anyone, and if you haven't forgotten, I've been getting freaking calls. And what, do you think I knocked myself out, only to tie myself up in my unconscious state while travelling to the hospital, knowing you were coming? Jesus-" I stopped again, trying to calm myself before I started another fight. "I didn't kill anyone. But all of that stuff on my laptop, is going to make me look really guilty." Looking into Noah's eyes, I watched as he contemplated whether he should run or not. Suddenly, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

"Fine, don't believe me. I'll handle this myself." Picking up the phone, I let out a exasperated sigh.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end was silent for a minute, until suddenly, I heard his voice.

"Vex? Vex is that you?" My hand shot to my mouth as I shook my head. This isn't real, no way on Earth.

"Vex please, you've got to talk to me, it's really me." Noah was by my side in an instant, his hand touching my shoulder but I shrugged away, shaking my head at him.

"You're not real. This is a trick." I exclaimed, stepping back farther away from Noah. Hanging up the phone, I gave him one last look before running up the stairs and into my room.



Standing there, I couldn't help but see this girl as something else. Was it even possible that she was the killer? I mean, she made an amazing point. She was being blackmailed by Tyler, harassed by Nina and Riley was a threat. No, she couldn't have killed Riley, she would never. But then, when Riley had died, she had stayed with me. She had stayed and been by my side the entire time. Riley was gone, she could earn my trust slowly, there was no competition. 

"Hello?" She asked, picking up her phone. I couldn't hear anything on the other line, her phone wasn't turned up very loud. Suddenly, her arm shot up, her hand covering her mouth as she shot me a horrified glance, shaking her head slowly. Quickly, I shot to her side, touching her shoulder gently. It was no use though, she instantly shrugged away, taking careful steps back. Now, I could faintly hear another voice on the line.

"You're not real. This is a trick!" She exclaimed, continuing to step back from me. I gave her a questioning look before she hung up the phone. As our eyes connected, I saw the fear and confusion in the blue orbs, saw the devastation. Turning on her heel, she shot up the stairs, slamming the door with a hard smack. Rushing up behind her, I pounded on the door, going as far as to try the knob but it was locked.

"Vex! Open the door!" I shouted, I could hear her sobbing inside. Continuing to pound on the door, I was surprised when suddenly, there was a click. Stopping my attack on her bedroom door, I turned the knob, pushing open the door. She was standing in the middle of the bedroom floor, tears staining her face as she continued to shake her head.

"It wasn't real, it couldn't be." She cried. Slowly, I walked towards her, holding my hands up as I got closer. Her eyes were on me the entire time as I got closer, until I was close enough to pull her into my arms. 

"Vex, what the hell is wrong? Who was it on the phone." She shook her head, her entire body shaking in my arms as I carefully led her to the bed, taking a seat on it's edge.

"It wasn't real. He's playing jokes with me now, somehow he-" Looking down at her, I couldn't help but feel utterly confused, what was going on. Who had she heard on the phone? Closing my eyes, on instinct I kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her down. It seemed to be working because, after a few minutes, she stopped shaking.

"Vex, who called you?" Still, there was silence from her. Whoever had called scared her shitless.

"Who's playing games with you?" I asked, trying to avoid whose voice she heard.

"The killer." She whispered into my chest, her hand gripping my shirt as she tried to hold herself together. 

"Who did you hear on the phone Vex? What happened."She shook her head, letting out a small cry again as she thought about it.

"I- I can't, I'm- Noah, I'm scared." Her voice was tiny; weak. The Vex I knew was crumbling down, her mask coming off as she fought off whatever horrors that phone call had uncovered. She had swept her past under the rug, she said it herself. That phone call had torn the rug away, revealing all the horrors she had tried to conceal.

"Vex, please just tell me, who did you hear?" I could feel her grip tighten, her breathing becoming heavier as she thought of it.



What the hell? O my god! Is it the killer playing tricks or Wes back from the dead?

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