Chapter 65- Forgive

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[Julia's POV]

"Which green one do you want, Julia?"Patrick asked me.

We were at the guitar store. About ten green guitars were in front of my face.

"The one with the heart?"Patrick asked.

"Don't make me sad again. I don't want to think about Pete."I said as I patted his back.

He looked down at the ground. "Sorry!"

I hugged him. "It's alright."

I let go and pointed to the one with a flame design on it.

"Are you sure you want this one?"he asked.

I nodded. Patrick took it off the rack and handed it to me.

"Now let's go pay for it."Patrick said as we walked up to the cash register.

The cashier looked at the price and typed it into the computer.

"$689.87, sir!"the cashier said.

I looked at Patrick. He soon turned pale. Patrick looked at me.

"I-I don't have 689.84, Julia."Patrick said. "I'm sorry!"

"Patrick, it's alright! I'm better off with the guitar I have now! You don't have to buy me a new one. I told you that!"

He sighed. "I just wanted to make you happy and forget about you know who at the moment,"Patrick said sadly.

"Aw, that's sweet of you, Pat!"I smiled.

"Uh, ma'am?"the cashier said. I looked at him. "You're from The Fallen Angels, right?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yes. I'm the guitarist!"

The cashier smiled. "How about I make the guitar half off...$344.92!"

"You sure, sir?"Patrick said.

The cashier nodded. "Of course. Anything for a fallen angel! I love that band!"

I chuckled. "Thank you so much!"

The cashier nodded. "Well, the price is $344.92, sir. Would you still like to buy it?"

Patrick pulled out his wallet and took out a credit card. He handed it to he cashier and the cashier swiped it. He soon gave it back to Patrick. The receipt printed out and the cashier gave it to Patrick.

"Here you are, sir! You two have a nice day! And you enjoy your new guitar miss!"he said.

I smiled and Patrick and I both walked out. Once we walked out, Patrick's phone buzzed. He looked at it.

"Um, we better head back to the college now!"he said.

"Why?"I asked.

"It's Pete! He broke his leg!"he replied.

I groaned. "Well, you can go and see him. I'm not!"

Patrick took my hand and brought me to the car.

"No, you will be there next to me. Pete needs us!"Patrick said.

"He needs you! He doesn't need me anymore!"I opened the door to Patrick's car and got in.

"If you don't, I won't be the singer for the band anymore,"Patrick said as he buckled his seat belt.

I stared at him. "Ugh, fine!"

I buckled my seat belt and Patrick started the car.

"I really don't want to see him, Pat,"I crossed my arms.

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