Chapter 33- The Big News, The Big Heart Break

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[Julia's POV]

For the second time, me and Pete were in me and Anna's dorm. We had an extreme make out session while Anna was out with Tyler. I think she really likes him! Like, I've seen her kissing him, holding hands with him. Is she over Patrick? If she is, I hope Patrick will be okay.

Pete and I were cuddling in my bed. Our shirts were thrown on the floor. I was laying next to him with my jeans on and bra on, while Pete had his jeans on too. He had his arms around me as I messed with his hair. I love making it look messy.

"You done messing with my hair?"he asked.

"No!"I giggled like a little kid.

He moved his arms and rubbed my stomach. I giggled once more.

"What are doing, Petey?"I asked enjoying it.

"Making you relax..."He said.

I turned around to see his face.

"Mmm. I love you! Can I just tell the whole world already?"I said with the biggest smile.

I leaned close to Pete.

"I love you too. And can you tell the whole world?"Pete replied.

"I will!"I said, soon feeling his soft lips on mine.

As we kissed, the door soon flew opened.

"Ugh, stop! That's so gross!"I heard Anna's voice.

Pete and I pulled away. I looked at Pete as he scratched the back of his neck. He began to blush.

"Stop blushing! I have exciting news!"Anna screamed. She closed the door and jumped on her bed.

"Wait...are ya'll..."she stopped.

I think she was wondering if we were naked. I shook my head quickly. Anna breathed out in relief.

"Good! I wasn't ready for that for my little innocent Julia!"She said.

I covered my face with my covers as I blushed. Did she have to say that? Now, I'm imagining if me and Pete actually will go that far.

"Anna, shut up. Just tell us the exciting news already!"I told her.

I felt the covers being pulled down. I saw Pete's face. He was smiling. Pete kissed my forehead and brought me close to him, not letting me go. I looked over at Anna as she sat at the edge of her bed with a big smile across her face.

"So...the good news is and Tyler are dating!"she screamed.

I smiled. "Oh my gosh! Congratulations, Anna!"I told her.

"Congrats!"Pete said.

Anna smiled and giggled. "Thanks. I-I really like him!"

"Really like him as in love?"I asked her.

She nodded and covered her face with her hands.

"Yes!"She yelled.

I then looked at Pete. we both stared at each other with a sad face. I think we were both thinking about Patrick. Oh, he's going to be heartbroken.

"What about..."Pete cut me off.

"What about Patrick?"he asked.

Anna then moved her hands from her face and looked down at the ground.

"Well, I-I lost feelings for him."Anna said.

I felt Pete sigh. "He's going to be...."I cut him off.

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