Chapter 19- Bad Dream

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[Julia's POV]

I never finished my story about me and Anna's fight, and I didn't want to. Pete and I were cuddling underneath a blanket on the couch together. I soon drifted asleep, in his arms till I heard someone call my name. I opened my eyes and saw Maddy standing in front of me.

"What is it?"I asked.

"I was wondering if you were okay. You know you ran off earlier all mad."Maddy said.

"Yeah I'm okay! Thanks!"I told her.

I closed my eyes and felt Maddy was still there. I opened my eyes and saw her.

"Oh! Are you going to sleep?"she asked me.

I nodded. "I'm sorry! I'll leave you two be!"Maddy said and walked away.

I heard Pete's voice. "Baby, are you comfortable?"I heard him ask.

"As long as I'm in your arms, yes I am..."my voiced trailed off and I soon went to sleep.


"Julia?"I heard a voice say.

I was hiding in a dark room, hiding from someone who was trying to kill me.

"Come out, you!"

Heavy footsteps past the room I was in. I walked towards the door to look out the window. The person walked away down the hall with a hook for a hand, looking for me.

"Come out now! Come out! I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to teach a lesson in the worse kind way!"I heard.

I began to cry. I wanted the person to leave and leave while I was alive. I slowly opened the door and I saw lights flickering out in the hall. The place I was in was a hospital. I didn't know how to get out. I was on the very top floor. I began to sweat as I opened the creaky door.

"Is that you?"the person said.

I ran out the room with him coming after to me. I ran as fast as I could. I turned around and saw his yellow eyes glow as they stared at me.

"Come back here!"he yelled.

The guy looked familiar but I wasn't sure where. I sped up as turned a corner and jumped into a room and closed it. The person banged on the door. I locked the door and found a phone on the counter. I called 911 and no one answered. It was very unusual because they normally did. Since they didn't answer, I called Pete.

"Pick up! Pick up!"I whispered.

I soon heard a soft voice. "Hello?"

"Pete! Oh my gosh! Please come help me! Someone is trying to kill me!"

"Where are you?"he asked.

"I'm at the hospital, top floor! Come now, please! I need you!"I told him.

"I'm coming, baby!"Pete said and quickly hung up.

I looked around the room and found big cabinets. I wonder if I could fit in there to hide. The person kept banging on the door and I soon ran to the cabinets. I opened one and tried to fit in it. I did and closed the cabinet door, tears came down from my eyes. Can Pete be here now?

"Open the door!"I heard the person say.

I recognized the voice and knew who it was, Patrick. But why?

I just cried, wishing this was all over. I heard the door break open and I got scared. I got quiet and heard Patrick's footsteps.

"Julia? Julia, where are you?"I soon heard.

I put my hands to my mouth, so I wouldn't yell or make a noise. I heard cabinet doors open and close.

"Are you in here? Or in here?"He asked, opened each cabinet door. I soon saw his Shadow between the crack of the door. The door soon flew open and he grabbed me by his hook.

"Get away from me!"I screamed.

"No!"I heard. I ran around the big room to the door, realizing it was lock.

"You can't get out now!"he said.

He chased me around the room with a cord from a phone or something. He soon pushed me down on the examining bed. Patrick brought the cord near my neck and tried to tie it. He tried, but the door to the room flew open.

"Patrick!"I heard.

It was a soft voice I fell in love with. It was Pete.

Patrick then looked up. He saw Pete and Pete then ran at him. Pete had a knife in his and attacked Patrick.

"Get away from her!"Pete said.

I heard Patrick scream as I saw Pete kill him. I saw Pete get up and wiped the blood off his face. He walked over to me took off the cord that was loose around my neck. He brought me into a hug as I cried.

"It's okay, baby! I'm here for you! No one is..."Pete said till I saw a hook take Pete by the neck. I screamed and soon saw that Pete was gone...for good.

Patrick let Pete's body fall to the ground and Patrick looked at me with a smile.

"You're turn!"he said.

*End of Dream*

I woke up, sweating. My heart was beating fast and I breathed heavy. Tears came out my eyes. The dream seemed real, the dream was scary. Patrick killed Pete! He tried to kill me.

I soon heard Pete's voice.

"Baby, what's wrong?"he asked.

I turned my head and hugged Pete, happy he was here.

"You're alive!"I said, embracing him.

"Of course I'm alive! I've been up since you went to sleep on me."he said.

I kissed him all around his face and touched it to make sure He was still there.

"What the heck were you dreaming about?"he asked.

"Patrick. He killed you! And then he tried to kill me!"I said crying.

He hugged me. "Oh, Julia. It's okay! Patrick will never try to kill us! He's too sweet to do that, baby! Just relax! I've got you!"Pete said.

I soon fell back into Pete's arms. I felt safe.

"It was just a dream, baby! You're okay! I'm here! I love you!"Pete said.

He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"I love you too!"I told him.
Yep! The dream was kind of like the Young Blood Chronicles for Where Did The Party Go, but not exactly! Any of y'all who don't know what Young Blood Chronicles is, it's a series of music videos for Fall Out Boy's album called Save Rock and Roll. So, that's where I got it from. I hope you liked this chapter! Next one coming soon! Love you all!💕💕

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