Chapter 49- The Bar Stranger

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[Anna's POV]

I was at the bar, drinking my third shot of vodka. I gulped it down my throat as it kinda burned.

"Give me five..."I told the bar tender.

It was the same guy as last time.

"Here you go, Anna."he said, handing me five.

"Thanks!"I grabbed another one and drank.

I didn't know what was wrong. For some reason, I felt miserable. Was it because of the weird dream I had? Ugh, I don't know. It was very weird. What was I doing again in the dream? I couldn't remember, all I remembered was me on the ground, screaming in pain and the thought of Patrick. I shook my head as I thought about the dream. It didn't make sense, I mean, why did I have it?

Again, another glass went down my throat, leaving three more to drink. I constantly thought about the dream, not knowing what it meant. Me running down a dark hallway while lights flickering, why? Who was running after me? I couldn't remember and took another glass. I forced the vodka to go down my throat so wouldn't start crying because I didn't know what was wrong about the dream. Again, what did it mean? Was it trying to tell me something. I sighed and put my head on the bar table.

"You look stressed..."someone said.

I looked up and saw a random stranger with a beer in his hands.

"I'm Sam!"the guy said. "Can I sit down next to you?"

I nodded nervously. "Uh, sure!"

I grabbed another glass and drank it.

"More vodka please!"I told the bar tender.

He nodded and got me more. I looked at the guy who was named Sam.

"So, what's your name?"he asked.


Sam looked at me with big eyes. "Anna from The Fallen Angels?"

I nodded. "Surprisingly, yes!"

"Oh my gosh, it's nice to meet you! My brother, Dean listens to your music!"he said.

I looked at him strange. Dean. That name was familiar.

"Dean?"Sam nodded.

"How do you know?"he asked.

"I think my friend Maddy is dating, or will be dating him soon."I replied.

Sam snapper his fingers with a smile. "Yeah! Her name is Maddy. So you're friends with her?"

I nodded. "She's the lead singer of the band!"

"Sweet! That's awesome!"Sam took a drink of his beer.

"Here you go!"the bar tender said.

He gave me ten shot glasses.

"Isn't that a little too much?"Sam asked.

I shook my head with a smile. "I'll get used to it!"

I grabbed one and drank.

"So, what are you doing here?"I asked Sam.

He moved his head back in forth.

"Taking a break. Me and my brother Dean, we uh...well it's a long story..."Sam said.

"Just tell me."I laughed.

"We fight demons. You know, like ghosts and all those evil stuff."he told me.

I nodded with a smile. "Pretty cool!"

I began to drink another glass.

"Yeah, except when they try to kill people!"I choked on the vodka.

"You okay?"Sam asked.

I nodded as I coughed. "Yeah..."

I kept coughing. I tried to get up out of my chair, but fell to the ground.

"H-help!"I said to Sam.

I tried to breathe for air as I Sam kneel down next to me, doing, well I don't know. He did something as my eyes began to close.

Later, I heard my name being called.

"Anna..."I heard.

I felt my body being picked up. I opened my eyes and saw Sam. He was holding me in his arms.

"You okay?"he asked.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, now that you got me!"He leaned towards me, as I felt all woozy.

I felt his lips touch mine. My eyes were wide, but I melted into the kiss. I kissed back, not knowing what I was doing.

[Julia's POV]

Patrick and I were in my car. I parked right next to Anna's and got out.

"I'll be right back to get Anna!"I told Pat.

"Okay! Take your time!"Patrick said in a sweet voice.

I got out the car and walked towards the door. I opened it and looked around. The smell of alcohol lingered the air. I made a weird face as I hated the smell.

"Anna!"I said as I looked around for her.

As I did, I saw someone familiar, kissing a guy I didn't even know. I looked closely at the girl. It was Anna. My mouth dropped. How could she do this to Patrick? I walked over to them and pulled the guy away.

"Hey!"he said in a mean way.

"Anna!"I said as I saw her.

She just looked at me. Her eyes were all droopy and the smell of vodka came from her breath. Why would she do this to Patrick?
Ah! Anna!👿 Next chapter coming soon!💕✨

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