Chapter 39- I Should Of Stayed In The First Place

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[Anna's POV]

I was running down the hall with a smile on my face. I wiped the tears and soon forgot that I ever cried. I was getting my Patrick back. I missed him so much. And I think he misses me.

As I ran I remembered what the bar tender had told me the night I broke up with Patrick.

"Just know, it's going to get better. He'll either come back to you and promise he won't hurt you or you'll come up to him and apologize. You could run off, love another guy, and realize you still loved the one you broke up with, and tell him you need him. I've seen this happen before..."

I smiled realizing the bar tender was right. I still loved Patrick and I needed his cute innocent self in my life again.

"Patrick!"I screamed down be halls.

Not a single person saw my Patty. I searched everywhere. I even asked guys in the bathroom if he was there. Nope, he wasn't. I sighed.

"Patrick? Where are you?"I said.

I ran to Patrick and Pete's dorm. I knocked the door. I jumped up and down while I waited for the door to open. Soon, it did. Pete appeared, drying his hair with a towel.

"Anna? What are doing here?he asked.

"Is Patrick here?"I asked him.

He shook his head. "Why? You're getting him back?"

I nodded.

"Ah. Well, he told me he was going to this place. It has to deal with seeing the night sky..."Pete told me.

"Ah, thanks!"I said.

I ran down the hall, hearing Pete speak.

"You know where that is?"he yelled as I got further away from him.

I stuck up a thumbs up. I soon turned the corner and ran to my secret place. That place is where I took Patrick the day we met. That's where we had our first kiss. Oh, I needed him back.

I soon reached my secret place and saw the window open. I smiled, knowing he was going to be up there.

"Patrick?"I said as I climbed up the ladder.

"Anna?"I heard.

I smiled hearing Patrick's voice. But, the smile soon faded as the ladder soon leaned over and fell, with me on it. I screamed as I fell on the ground, hitting my head on the wall.

"Anna!"I heard Patrick say.

My eyes soon closed as I saw Patrick jump down and grab me.

"I'll be back, okay? I'll go and get an ice pack. You'll be alright!"I felt Patrick kiss my forehead.

As I had my eyes closed, I soon fell asleep.

About five minutes later, I woke up, feeling something cold resting on my head.

"Anna?"I heard.

My eyes opened and Patrick was in front of me, kneeling down next to me. He had the ice pack in his hands, putting it against my head.

"You okay?"Patrick asked. "Y-you fell and hit your head."

I moved my body, trying to sit up. I felt my head throbbing and I winced.

"Not really. My head, it hurts."I said.

Patrick kissed my head and smiled at me.

"I, uh, well hope you're okay!"he said.

"Since you kissed my head, I will be!"I told him.

I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Patty!"I said.

"I-I thought you were still with Tyler..."Patrick said.

I looked at him, knowing it was time to tell him.

"Well..."I paused as his eyes looked into mine. They made me melt!

"Me and Tyler...w-we broke up,"I said nervously.

Patrick nodded. "Oh. Why?"

I felt nervous. Did he still love me? If he didn't, this would so embarrassing.

"I, I...I have feelings for you Patrick. I-I still love you."I said.

I saw a smile run across Patrick's face.

"Really?"he asked.

"Yeah. And I need you back. Leaving you because I didn't want to get hurt, I did not realize that while I dated Tyler. I could of gotten hurt too. But, if I risk my life getting hurt while I was with Tyler, I should of stayed in the first place with you. A-and I'm sorry. I realized that when I was with him that I loved you a-and not him. I guess I just needed someone by my side. But, Tyler wasn't the guy. You are."I told Patrick.

"Anna, I'm happy you want me back. But, know this. If we never broke up, I would still wouldn't have hurt you. And I won't, ever. My stupid mistakes back then won't change my love for you. If we ever fight, I will never hurt you, as in hurt you, I mean abuse. Plus, I will never cheat on you either. Can you please forgive me?"Patrick said.

I grabbed his hand and held it. He held back.

"I will. And can you forgive me?"I asked.

"Of course. I love you Anna and I never stopped. And I never will stop!"he said.

"And I love you too Patrick. And I will never stop either!"I replied.

Patrick leaned towards me and so did I. Our lips soon touched and the taste of his lips were back on mine. The peppermint taste from his lips lingered on my lips. We soon began to kiss sloppy and wet, like we always did. Oh I missed this. Patrick dropped the ice pack that was in his hands and put his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He soon lifted me up. He got up from the ground and carried me out of the janitors closet as we kissed. He pulled away.

"Now, do you want to go back up on the roof?"Patrick asked.

"You mean our secret place?"I asked with a smile.

Patrick out his forehead on mine.

"Yes. Do you want to?"he asked, kissing me.

I nodded. "Yes!"

We went back in the janitors' closet and I walked up the ladder, while Patrick held it so I wouldn't fall. As we made it up. We looked out and laid down next to each other, watching the night sky. He grabbed my hand and held tight. I held back. I scooted close to him and put my head on his chest.

"I missed you, Patty..."I told him.

I felt him kiss my head, which made me smile and giggle.

"And I missed you too, baby,"he replied.

Baby. The way he said it gave me chills and I smiled. I missed the way he kissed me, the way he said baby, and the way he looked at me. I missed it all and I'm happy I had him back.
Yay! I got to finish this before I went to bed! I hope you like it! Next one tomorrow, maybe. Love you! Night!💚✨

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