Chapter 16- School Bully With School Lovers

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*Next Day, school*

[Julia's POV]

I heard the school bell ring for everyone to go to their next class. I picked up all my books and headed out to go to World History. Of course, Anna was in my class and we walked there together. Butterflies flew in my stomach as I smiled, thinking about Pete. Anna looked at me with a smile.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?"she asked.

I giggled. "Yeah..."I trailed off.

"You two are so cute together!"she said.

I looked at her smiling and softly punched her arm. "Not just me and Pete, you and Patrick are cute too!"I said.

She blushed as I mentioned Patrick.

"So, when is your next date?"I asked her.

"This weekend! He's taking me to a fair!"she told me.

"A fair? You know what happens at a fair?"I asked happily.

She shook her head and I breathed out.

"The fair, you know! There's a Ferris wheel! Couples ride it, love happens, a passionate kiss happens! He's going to kiss you up there! That's so romantic!"I jumped up and down.

"Eh, well, the fair doesn't seem romantic to me. I mean, bratty kids run around, bouncy houses with the smell of dirty feet, greasy food, and scary clowns. I've never liked the fair, ever!"Anna said and shivered.

"It will be fine! Just ignore all that, okay? At least he's taking you somewhere, just be grateful!"I said.

She stopped walking and looked at me with a mad face.

"I am grateful! Why do you think I'm not?"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "You're complaining about how you don't like the fair even though Patrick is taking you there! What are you going to do? Tell him you don't want to go?"

She rolled her eyes. "You know what, Julia. Just mind your own business and keep your head out of my love life, okay?"

Anna then walked away from me, mad as can be. As she walked away, I saw Patrick appear behind her. He looked hurt.

"I never knew she didn't..."I cut him off.

"Patrick, it's okay! I'll help you think of something."

"No, Julia. Hearing her saying that and her being mad at you, I'll just think of something by myself."he told me and walked away.

Great, two of my friends just walked away from me. Why did I have to put my nose in other people's business? A tear stroke down my face as I felt hurt. I didn't like seeing Anna mad, especially Patrick. He was sweet and full of love and happiness. I soon felt bad.

I heard footsteps walk over to me. Arms were soon wrapped around me and I felt someone kiss my head.

"Hey, baby!"I heard Pete say.

I smiled, feeling love, feeling his presence. I soon felt happy in his arms.

"Hey, handsome,"I responded.

"Hows my baby?"he asked me.

"Now that your here, I feel ten times better!"I said.

He cuddled close to me, his held me in his arms. I closed my eyes as me slowly rocked back in forth.

"Can we stay like this?"I asked Pete and kissed his arm.

"I want to, but we are in school,"Pete played with my fingers as he touched them.

I turned around to face him. "This weekend, how about we go see a movie."

He nodded. "That would be great, baby! Just the two of us..."Pete said then crashed his lips into mine.

As we kissed, I felt love with Pete. His lips felt like they were made for mine. He kissed me aggressively. I heard high heels soon clank on the ground, walking near us.

"Ah, look who it is! Look at this emo idiot kissing this ugly dork!"I heard.

We pulled away and I saw Helen. Ugh, can she just leave?

I looked down at the floor, mad as Helen spoke hurtful words.

"What wrong? He's a bad kisser? He's a stupid emo who can't love right? Or is he too ugly to be attractive? If you feel that way, I know. It's hard! Emos will always be little psychos and little f*** who only care about themselves!"Helen spoke.

I hated the words, the thought of what she said. Why can't she see I love him. He was perfect to me. He was sweet, lovable, adorable, handsome, and he was my everything.

"You what Helen, haven't you done enough?"I asked her.

She shook her head. I walked up to her.

"Just stop it, okay? I'm don't with you! I'm done with the hateful words! You make my friends, Josh and Tyler believe you and it makes me sick. You make me sick. Pete is not a stupid emo! He's not a little psycho and a little f**! He will never only care about himself! He loves me! And he will never hurt me, he will never abuse me! I don't care if he is emo! He's my adorable emo. I love him. And I don't care with you think! If you feel disgusted, then you can just leave! I don't care about what you say about Pete! He's a sweet, adorable, handsome guy. You can't change my mind. You can't make me say he isn't when he is. So, Helen, just leave. If you say all this stuff about Pete, why can't you see that it is wrong! I'm tired of you, Helen. What if I called you a stupid popular girl who only cared about herself. And tries to act all that and is so pretty cause you have a boyfriend. And a stupid girl who thinks just because your dad is Rich, you can have anything you want! Do you want that? Do you want that, Helen?"

Helen looked at me with a mad face. "You might think you're right, Julia, but just watch what he does to you. He's going to break your heart and you will be crushed. The words I just said to you will come out your mouth, knowing I was right all along. Just watch..."Helen told me.

She walked away from me. I began to cry. She can't be right. I had to be right. Pete grabbed my face as I cried.

"Baby, don't listen to her. I'm here for you. I won't hurt you. I won't break your heart. I won't let the past hurt us and break us. Helen's words are just voices. Ignore them, Julia."

I shook my head. "I'm trying to forget."

He hushed. "Shh. It's going to be alright, okay? I love you and that's all that matters!"

I nodded. "I love you too!"

He hugged me, tight. I loved him and he loved me, but I was worried that he'll hurt me. I didn't want that to happen. I soon forgot about what Helen said and went back to listen to my words. Saying he would never hurt me. I want to believe he would never hurt me, but I wasn't sure. I didn't want to picture us apart and broken. I wanted to picture us together, happy as can be, loving, and nothing can break us apart!
Ahh, Helen😒 Next chapter coming soon!💖

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