Chapter 21- A Candlelight Dinner For Two

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*Skip To The Weekend*

[Patrick's POV]

It was Saturday night. I heard Julia and Anna talking the other day. I guess Anna doesn't like the fair, so I'll surprise her and take her somewhere nice. I didn't tell what to wear. I just put on a black shirt with my black cardigan, black skinny jeans, boots, and my fedora I always wear. Of course, I wore my glasses. I looked in the mirror me and Pete had in our dorm. I looked pretty decent, I wouldn't say amazing cause I never thought I was.

After I was done looking at myself in the mirror, I knew it was time to pick up Anna. I was going to take her to a candlelight dinner by the lake. You might be wondering, a lake? No, this lake was nice. The water was blue, doves fly over, it was clean, no annoying bugs flying around you, and no annoying frogs or crickets. I remember when my dad used to take me there was I little. I loved it and I knew it was the right place to take Anna, better than the fair.

I was walking down the hall where her dorm was. I saw Julia come out, all dressed up in a nice dress.

"Woah, there princess! Where do you think you're going?"I asked her.

She looked down at her dress with a smile.

"I'm going to see my baby!"she said.

"Baby? You mean Pete?"I asked.

"Ah, yes!"she said smiling and giggling.

She really loved him! I can tell by looking into her eyes. They lit up as I mentioned Pete.

"Well, I'll see you later, Patrick! Anna is there. You can just open it. She's ready!"She told me.

"Thanks, Julia!"I said.

She walked passed me. "You're welcome! Anytime, Patrick!"

As she walked away, I opened the door to their dorm. I saw Anna. She was wearing black shorts, black converses, and a black Imagine Dragons shirt. She was looking in the mirror and signing.

"Knock once for The Father, twice for The Son, three time for The Holy Ghost!"she sang.

"Those are good lyrics!"I said, walking behind her.

She turned around and smiled at me.

"Uh, thanks!"She said.

She soon embraced me and I felt butterflies in my stomach. With her arms around me, I loved it. Anna was my girl. I wanted her to be mine forever. She let go and looked at me. She grabbed my hair and messed with it.

"You ready, baby?"she asked.

I nodded. I grabbed her hand and we both left her dorm. We walked down the hall and she stopped walking and looked at me.

"I forgot something..."she said.

"Okay, I'll wait..."I replied.

"No, it's not in my room."

I looked at her confused. "What?"

She then connected her lips with mine. The taste of her lips were my favorite. The way she kissed me was everything I loved. I was obsessed with her lips. She let go and smiled.

"That's what I forgot!"she said.

I smiled. "I'm happy you realized it."

She grabbed my hand we both walked out the building and into my car. I started the engine we were off.

[Time Skip]

I pulled into the lake's parking lot. Anna looked at me.

"I thought we were going to the fair?"she said.

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