Chapter 2- That's them!

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[Julia's POV]

Our first class was over as the bell rang. I watched Pete and Patrick walk off together but Pete soon turned around. He walked towards me.

"Oh, um, thanks for earlier...that was nice of you,"Pete said.

I looked at him, watching his eyes look into mine. He was pretty cute, I have to admit. I smiled at him.

"You're welcome!"I said and soon drifted off into space.

I soon heard a voice call my name a minute later.

"Julia! Hello? We got to get to geometry! Pete left! It's time to stop daydreaming about him and let's go!"Anna said.

I blinked my eyes and looked around. Pete was gone. I looked at Anna all red, afraid I embarrassed her.

"Sorry!"I said.

We both walked out and Into the hallway to head to geometry.

"You seem to like Pete, Julia..."Anna said.

"Well, he's pretty cool, but I wouldn't say I like him!"I replied.

"Cause he's emo?"she asked.

I shook my head. "No! If he's emo, he's emo. There's nothing wrong about that. I mean people shouldn't make fun of him cause he's emo! Emo people should be treated the same!"

Anna nodded in agreement. We turned the corner to head to geometry and our class was right there, but we soon got in and saw people surrounding Pete and Patrick. I guess they have same class as me and Anna.

"Ha, look at you! Eyeliner? Dark eyeshadow? What the heck, idiot. What are you trying to be? And those tattoos, aren't those a little too much?"I heard as we walked in.

I looked at Anna and rolled my eyes. The voice was familiar and I hated who was talking. It was a girl name Helen, who Anna and I couldn't stand. We both walked over to her, pushing through people. We saw Helen with Pete and Patrick. Helen held Eyeliner in one hand and eyeshadow in the other. I saw her wipe eyeliner across Pete's face trying to embarrass him. Patrick was surrounded by other girls and he couldn't help Pete. Anna and I grabbed the make up out of her hands and threw it across the room.

"Leave Pete alone!"I yelled to her.

"Yeah!"Anna relied.

Helen laughed. "Oh look, it's the Snotty Angels!"Helen said.

Her and her friends began to laugh. She never liked our music, probably because it was too heavy and rock for her! She was always the light and happy lover of music. Snotty Angels was what she called us. Our band was called The Fallen Angels, but since she didn't like us, she changed the name to that.

"Leave them alone or what?"she said angrily at Anna and me. "Or you will fight me?"

"Oh, you don't know how hard!"Anna said.

Helen laughed. "TRY ME!"she said.

She shouldn't have went there. Anna soon jumped up, tackling Helen while a girl jumped on me. I pulled and kicked at her, trying to her off. People screamed and I soon heard the voice of our teacher with the principal.

"Hey! Knock it off!"our teacher said.

The girl let go of me and Helen let go of Anna. They both got up leaving me and Anna on the floor all bruised.

"It was them!"Helen said.

Our teacher grabbed my hand while the principal grabbed Anna.

"It wasn't us!"I yelled.

"Oh really! Why lie when everyone saw!"Helen said.

She kept on talking but her voice trailed off as me, Anna, our teacher, and the principal walked down the hallway to the principal's office. When we made it, Anna and I both sat down and our principal looked at us.

"What just happened? Huh? Will you two explain? You two are supposed to be behaving! You two have a show tonight, but I'm not quit so sure anymore!"the principal told us.

"Helen, she was messing Pete, calling him names, picking on him, we had to stop her some way!"Anna said.

"Fighting isn't it though!"the principal said.

"But you did amazing!"I told Anna, giving her a fist bump.

She gave me one back and smiled.

"No! No fist bumps! You guys better shape up for the rest of the school day! If you don't, we will cancel your show! End of story! Now, you two go back to class!"Our principal said.

We got up and left for class. We walked down the hall side by side. I began to laugh.

"Nice fight!"I said.

"I know right!"Anna said.

I gave her a high five and smiled.

[Pete's POV]

Patrick and I were walking to the commons. It was 7:00 and a band at our school was performing like they usually do every Friday. We didn't know who they were. No one told us. But I hope they sound really good!

As we made it to the commons, I had those two girls on my mind.

"Hey, don't you think that one girl with the purple hair and the one with the highlights named, Julia, seem familiar to you?"I asked Patrick.

He looked at me. "Um, Anna, that's the girl's name with the purple hair. Umm, yeah! They do seem familiar, the names do and their faces. I don't know where though..."Patrick replied.

"Yeah. I don't know where either..."I said.

Patrick and I were in the commons, seeing people set up drums, microphone stands, speakers and more. There was a big sign in the back of the stage saying,"The Fallen Angels" with angel wings and everything. We stood in the front by the stage and some teacher came up to us and handed us a piece of paper.

"Thank you!"I heard Patrick say.

I looked at the paper. It had the band's picture on it, but not showing their faces. They were facing a road and had angel wings on their backs. One was gold and the other two were white. Who were these three people? I had to know!

People crowded around us by the stage. They all become loud and ready for this show. I guess people really liked them! Three people walked on stage, one to the drums, one on the right side of the stage with a guitar and one in the middle with a microphone in hand.

Drums began beating, guitar began to play and good powerful girl voice was heard.

"You ready?!"The singer yelled.

Everyone cheered. Even Patrick and me. Lights weren't shown and we didn't see the three band members. Then, a sound sound from the drum was heard and lights flashed. Everyone saw the band members. I looked at the singer, not knowing who it was, but when I went to see who the guitarist was, it was Julia and the drummer was Anna!

"That's them!"Patrick said.

"It is them!"I replied.

How did we not know they were in a band? We talked to them today and not a single thing gave us a hint. Actually...the song lyrics that were on their notebook papers....
Next chapter coming soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!😘💕

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