Chapter 30- Could This Be Love?

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[Anna's POV]

I was still in the commons. Apparently Tyler came to the show. Me and him were talking on the stage, sitting down, laughing. He was pretty sweet and nice.

"So, uh, you're not with Patrick anymore?"Tyler asked after he said something funny.

I kinda got sad. Why would he bring it up? I didn't want to think about Patrick right now.

"Yeah, but just don't worry about it. I'll be fine..."I told him.

He looked at me with a smile. I stared at him. I had my drum sticks in my hands and started tapping a good beat for Julia's new song she wrote with Pete. Tyler stared at me.

"What?"I said.

"You''re really good!"he told me.

I began to turn red and a smile came across my face.

"Thanks!"I replied.

"No problem!"He said.

I checked the time on my phone. 11:30. I had to go back to my dorm.

"Uh, sorry, but I got to head back to my dorm!"I sat down my drum sticks.

Tyler nodded and grabbed my hand. I watched him as he did it. He kissed my hands and smiled.

"Okay! Well, I'll see you tomorrow!"he said as we both got up.

He embraced me and I smiled with my eyes closed. He was sweet and full of happiness. I let go and walked away.

"Bye!"I said.

I walked out of the commons. I felt...happy for some reason. Was it because I started to like Tyler? Or was it because he just cheered me up? I didn't know but I walked down the hall with a smile on my face with Tyler on my mind. His sweet words, the way he listened to me, I felt like he understood me and he cared. I don't know why, but I didn't want anyone else to cheer me up. I just wanted Tyler.

I soon made it to my dorm. I jiggled the door to see if it was locked. It wasn't. Julia must be in here sleeping. While being an idiot, I accidentally turned on the light. Dang, she might wake up. I walked in and saw Julia and Pete in her bed together, sleeping. I saw Pete's shirt thrown on my bed and Julia's shirt and tank top. Ew, they had a make out session. I turned off the light, feeling disgusted knowing they had a thing while I was gone.

I didn't bother to change since Pete was in here. I didn't want him to see me naked or whatever. And I defiantly don't want to see him naked either! Ew. I'll just let Julia see him like that since they are in LOVE. I don't know what she sees in him. Patrick is the one I love. Or, well loved...I kinda had a thing for...Tyler. Or did I still have feelings for Patrick? I don't know.

I walked over to my bed and threw their shirts in the floor. I plugged in my phone and crawled in my bed, getting warm from my comforters. I soon heard moving around in Julia's bed.

"You up, baby?"I heard Julia ask Pete.

Ugh, they don't know I'm in here.

"Yeah. You alright?"I heard Pete reply.

"Yeah. I just need a kiss!"I heard.

I soon felt disgusted when I started to hear them kissing. Oh gosh, do I have to listen to this? It's so gross.

"Baby..."Julia said like a moan.

"What?"Pete asked.

"Just keep kissing my neck."Julia replied.

"Okay..."Pete said.

I heard the smacking of his lips as he kissed Julia's neck. I guess it was her neck. I wasn't sure. I didn't want to know! I kept hearing it and heard Julia breathing out like she enjoyed the moment. That's when I couldn't take it. I felt disgusted.

"Okay! You two lovebirds are done tonight!"I spoke.

"Sh*t..."I heard Pete say.

I heard moving around in Julia's bed.

"I guess I have to leave,"Pete said.

"No, you can stay if you want, Pete. Just don't make out whenever I'm in here. I'll probably throw out this room for good."I told Pete.

"Okay! Thanks Anna!"Pete said.

I rolled my eyes. Happy it was dark in the room so they couldn't see.

"Yeah. Whatever,"I mumbled.

"Goodnight, Anna!"Julia said.

I covered my mouth with the covers. "Night..."

[Time Skip]

I heard a knock on the door. I opened my eyes, knowing I had to get up and answer the door since Pete and Julia were all cuddled up together sleeping. I sighed and got out of bed slowly. I walked towards the door, still half asleep. I looked for the knob as I moved my hand around in the night. The knob jiggled and I grabbed it. I saw a face appear with a smile. I walked out the dorm and closed the door.

"Hey!"I said.

I blinked and saw Tyler. I soon smiled and he pulled out drumsticks from his back pocket.

"You, uh left these in the commons."Tyler told me.

I nodded he handed them to me.

"Thanks, Tyler!"I said.

He scratched the back of his neck and stared at me. I looked into his eyes and began to well, fall in love.

"Do you maybe want to go, uh, out to dinner with me tomorrow? You don't have to but it was just a question..."he said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. Our lips were inches apart.

"I'll go with you!"I said.

He blushed and I pressed my lips on his. Oh my gosh, they were amazing. They were sweet and soft to the touch. The taste of lemons that were on his lips soon became my drug. He kissed me repetitively, not pulling away. I felt him smile as we kissed. Tyler pulled away but pulled his lips on mine again. Why did I do that? Was I over Patrick? Was Tyler my new lover? Could this be another love story? I didn't know. I would just have to wait till tomorrow night!
Hey, this chapter is kinda sucky. But, I'll write a better one later.💖

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