Chapter 27- Run Dry

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[Anna's POV]

The taste of alcohol ran down my dry throat. The tears ran down my cheeks to the bar table. About ten shot glasses laid empty on the table in front of me as I sat there crying.

"More, please..."I spoke to the bar tender.

"Jack Daniels?"the bar tender asked.

I nodded. Napkins were all crumbled up in my left hand, drying my tears. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I let the one thing I loved go. I remembered his face as I he walked out the door. His eyes were all glassy from his tears. His eyes were full of sadness. I felt miserable. But, I was keeping myself safe from abuse.

"You alright there?"the bar tender asked as he handed me four shot glasses.

"No. Just broke up with someone I really loved..."I told him.

He nodded.

"Ah, so what happened to where you broke up with guy?"

I took a glass and gulped it down, feeling the joy run down my throat.

"The past. He abused me when I didn't even who he was. But, when I hooked up with him, he soon looked through my old yearbooks from middle school and realized I was one of the girls he abused. I just couldn't take the risk to get abused again..."I told him.

I felt like the bar tender was like a friend to me. He listened to what I had told him.

"Just know, it's going to get better. He'll either come back to you and promise he won't hurt you or you'll come up to him and apologize. You could run off, love another guy, and realize you still loved the one you broke up with, and tell him you need him. I've seen this happen before..."The bar tender said.

I nodded. "Thanks."

He looked at me with a smile while cleaning glasses.

"No problem!"he said.

I thought about what he said, but soon felt guilt come over me. I sill felt miserable for breaking Patrick's heart. This was hard. Tears fell from my eyes and I grabbed another glass and drank. I slammed the glass down and moved it away from me and laid my head down in the table.

"Just know, I will always love you, Anna,"Patrick's words echoed in my head as I thought of him.

I soon got mad, knowing what I did made him break. I picked up my head and grabbed another glass. I looked at it.

"This is for you Patrick. I'm sorry..."I said, toasting and raising it up.

The liquid fell into my mouth to my throat, leaving me run dry. I put my hands to my face and closed my eyes.

"Need company?"I heard.

I took my hands off my face and saw Julia.

"Julia, what are you doing here?"I asked.

"Wondering if you're okay,"she told me.

The bar tender came over to us with some beer in his hands.

"What kind would you like?"he asked Julia.

She shook her head with a smile. "Sorry, but I don't drink..."

The bar tender turned around and out the beer away. He turned back around.

"So, what do you want to drink?"he asked.

Julia looked around to see the drinks.

"I'll just have a water..."She said with a smile.

The bar tender nodded and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge behind him and gave it to Julia.

"Thanks!"she said.

"No problem!"he replied.

Julia opened the water and drank some. Julia not drinking made me feel safe. Anytime she would be here with me at the bar, she would either get a lemonade or water while I drink all the alcohol in the world! Then, she'll drive me home, making sure my butt gets back to the college safe. She set the water bottle down and stared at me.

"So, how are you feeling?"she asked.

"Horrible..."I said.

I picked up one shot glass but Julia took it away from me.

"Drinking is going to take the pain away. It's going to make it worse, especially when you get all sober later on."Julia said and gave it to the bar tender.

"She's not going to be drinking this..."she said to him.

He grabbed it and drank it.

"What the heck, Julia? I was going to drink it!"my eyes got big.

"You don't need it! Look, there's eleven, twelve, thirteen. Thirteen shot glasses. You need to stop. That's enough to for tonight!"she said counting the glasses.

I rolled my eyes at her. She was right though. My vision soon got a little blurry and I kept moving side to side with my eyes feeling heavy.

"I saw Patrick. He was, well, heartbroken..."Julia said.

I nodded. "Yeah, I know. Gosh, I'm so stupid for letting him go...."I said and balled up my hand into a fist.

I was mad at myself for letting him go.

"But look, you're protecting yourself just in case he does."

I looked at Julia.

"But, you're not. You're still with Pete!"I said.

She looked down at her water bottle and played with the cap.

"I know. I just can't see me without him. He promised me earlier that he wouldn't do a thing like that again to me. He wouldn't hurt me..."Julia told me.

"Sometimes promises break, Julia,"I played with the bracelet on my wrist.

"I know. You must think I'm stupid for risking my life like this."she said.

"No, no I don't. Maybe he's the right guy for you and he has changed. Maybe he'll be the one to lift you off your feet and start a family with you, and not hurt you."I responded.

She nodded. "Maybe. Do you think he's the one?"she asked.

I thought about them together. Their hugs, kisses, carrying Julia, cuddling, and sharing each other's food, they seemed like they were meant for each other. But, what about me and Patrick?

"I think so. I'm just not completely sure!"I said.

She nodded.

"How about you and Patrick?"she asked me.

I shook my head. "After me hurting him, I don't think so...I love him, but something is telling me not to."

"Cause be abused you?"Julia asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know if it's because he hurt me or he just wasn't the one. Do you think he is the one?"

"This is just my opinion, but I think he is!"she said.

I wish she was right, but were we sure he was the one? I don't know, I'm just beginning to fall asleep. I soon felt my head on Julia's shoulder.

"If you're going to go to sleep on me, then we are going back to college so you can sleep..."Julia said, lifting my head up.

I looked at her. She looked at her phone and checked the time.

"Dang, it's 11:30. Come on, let's go back so you can get some sleep!"I heard Julia say.

We both got up and I could barely stand. Julia took my arm and put it around her shoulder.

"I'll help you to the car, my drunk friend...Just know, everytime you go out to get a drink, I'll be driving you home!"she said.

I tried to nod. We soon got in the car and all I remembered was me falling asleep while the song Ghost by Halsey played in the radio. The music soon got quieter and quieter as I fell asleep, knowing I was going to get back to the dorm safe.
Eh. This was my first time writing about someone drinking at a bar. I've never done that before so it was new to me. But, I hope it was good! Love you! Goodnight!💖😴

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