Chapter 14- The Plan To Win Her Heart

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[Julia's POV]

Pete and I walked to the cafeteria, where we were going to have some dinner. We ate there everyday, well almost. Sometimes people would go out on the weekends to eat somewhere like Chick Fa La. But, Pete and I were going to see Patrick and Anna. There was something weird about them. I just didn't know what it was!

Pete and I made it to the cafeteria. We both grabbed a tray and saw what food was being served. You might think that the food was bad, but it wasn't. They would have Moe's, Chick Fa La, and other fast food restaurants for us to eat some days. I grabbed a chicken sandwich and some fries from where they were serving Chick Fa La. Pete grabbed the same thing and we both grabbed a lemonade. After we grabbed our food, we looked for Anna and Patrick in the crowd of all the tables. Each table we past, they would be filled, not seeing a sign of them.

Soon, we both found Anna, but not Patrick. We sat down next to Anna and she looked at us.

"Hey!"she said.

"Hey, where's Patrick?"Pete asked.

"He's in ya'll's dorm. He's doing some homework he had to finish,"Anna said, responding to Pete.

He nodded to what she said and I felt like I needed to ask her why her and Patrick have been acting weird today.

"Hey, Um, you and Patrick, what's going on between you two?"I asked her.

She soon smiled and played with her fork that was on her tray.

"Well, um, we are together, boyfriend and girlfriend!"she said with a big smile.

I was shocked, I was happy for her! She really liked Patrick and they were finally together!

"Oh my gosh! That's great!"I said.

"Yeah! And thanks!"she smiled.

I soon felt happy for her, but realized that Pete and I were still friends. I wanted us together. I wanted to hold his hand and say he was mine. But, did he want to be with me?

My thoughts ran through my head, and I soon forgot them as I had to go to the bathroom.

"Well, I'll be back! I gotta use the restroom!"I said. They both nodded and I got up from the table and left.

[Pete's POV]

Anna and I watched Julia walk away to go to the bathroom. We soon didn't see her. I went to go take a bite out of my sandwich till I felt eyes staring at me. I looked up and see Anna looking at me with a smile.

"Yes...?"I said.

"You like her, don't you?"she asked me.

I wiped my mouth as juice from the chicken was on my lips.

"Or do you love her?"Anna smiled.

I didn't a say thing. I began to smile as I heard her say I loved her. I did! I just was too afraid to tell Anna.

"You love her, don't you?"she asked me.

I nodded while I smiled. She had her mouth open. "Yes! Are you going to ask her out?"

I shrugged. I didn't know how to ask her. Should I bring her flowers? Should I take her to my dorm, alone? I didn't know. I needed Anna's help.

"Well..."I said.

"What? You're not going to ask her?"she asked, getting mad. "Ugh, if you don't Wentz I'll knock you out and you really don't want that!"

She showed her fist and brought it close to my face. I touched her fist and brought it down.

"I'm going to ask her. The thing is, I don't know how!"I told her.

She put her hand to her chest. "Good! You scared me Wentz! You're lucky! So, you need help!"

I nodded. "How do you want to ask Julia?"she asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know! I want to ask her in a way that she'll remember it! I've been thinking and thinking and nothing came in my mind!"I told her.

She shook her head. "Oh, Wentz. You need my help!"she said.

She looked at her phone and checked the time.

"She'll back soon, but, I have a perfect plan!"

"Tell me,"I replied, listening.

She looked around to see if Julia would be here then she looked at me.

"She loves the beach..."I cut her off.

"Beach. Beach, okay....go on,"I said.

She rolled her eyes as I cut her off.

"Don't cut me off Wentz. Cause I might cut you!"she said.

I put my hands up like I was surrendering. Anna laughed.

"Anyways! She loves the beach, so take her there tomorrow night. Put up some candles, have a picnic by the shore, tell her you love her, you adore her, or whatever guys say to girls! Make her feel loved and that she can trust you! Trust is the number one thing girls need"she said.

I nodded. "Okay! Well, thanks!"

She nodded. "You're welcome! Come up with a way to tell her, cause I'm not helping you there, Wentz!"

She laughed as I began to be scared to ask her.

"You'll do fine!"

I nodded. "I hope so,"I replied.

She leaned towards me and looked at me with mean eyes.

"I swear, Wentz, if you mess this plan up tomorrow, I will hurt you! If she says yes to being your girlfriend, you better not break my homie's heart! You better treat her nicely. You better give her everything. You better love her with all your heart! Don't cheat. Don't abuse my girl! Don't hurt her in anyway! I promise you, Wentz, if you hurt Julia, I will throw down on you! I will get her dad to come after you and you don't want that! He already had to do this once! He doesn't want this again! You better promise me, Wentz, you better not hurt her! Look me in my eyes and promise me right now!"she said madly at me.

I nodded and looked at her in the eyes. Her eyes looked like they were filled with darkness and I got scared.

"I promise, I promise, Anna!"I said.

She leaned back into her chair and smiled.

"Good, now here she comes!"Anna said, pointing behind me.

Julia then appeared, and sat down next to me with a smile.

"So, what are guys taking about?"Julia asked.

"Nothing!"me and Anna both said.

I was nervous about this plan for Julia to be mine. I wanted her to say one word, three letters. Yes!
The plan is coming!! Next chapter coming soon! Sorry this one is kinda short!😁💖

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