Double Elimination

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And now it's the night of NXT and the SmackDown tapings. Now Stef and Mike had went on the Asia tour with Raw. So I had to play the pro for tonight. 

"This double elimination has be worried. No one likes you apparently." I say, tapping my fingers on an equipment crate.

"That may be true, but I'll make it through, I hope." Alex tries to reassure me.

"I hope so too. I wish Mike and Stef were here. It's not the same without them."

"I know. They're in Asia, but at least we're not far from his place, and he left us the keys to it so it's not like we have to go back to a hotel after the night is over."

"Right. Well you've made it this far, you've got to make it to the finale."

"It lays in the hands of the pros and Universe. We'll see what happens at the end of the night."

"Of course." I nod. 

"Now it looks like you're needed out" He grins, giving me a quick kiss.

I smile back after the kiss and I head out of the curtain and take my seat on the stage as we all wait for the show to start. After sitting there for a while it does indeed start, like it always does. A video package plays of last week where Jon had gotten eliminated, and then talking about how tonight is going to be a double elimination, where only three rookies will remain. After that was the show's intro.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your remaining NXT rookies."

"Husky Harris."


"Michael McGillicutty."

"Alex Riley."

"Showtime Percy Watson."

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you are aware, tonight we will have a double elimination. Which means that, by the end of tonight, three of you will be one step closer to our season finale in two weeks and once step closer to becoming the WWE's next breakout star. But the pressure is on. So we'd like to give you an opportunity so speak your mind. We're gonna give you one minute to talk about anything you want with the exception of why you should not be eliminated. So Showtime Percy Watson, why don't you step forward. Why don't you...tell me what your topic is."


"Topic is 3-D, very interesting, go right ahead. You got one minute go."

"Okay look here. Now I didn't say Double D, 'cause that would take a little long, you know what I'm sayin'? A little more than a minute, you know what I'm sayin'? But here. 3-D is this. The way I live my life. Desire, determination and dedication. Desire, you got to know what you want. And you've got to be dedicated to your craft baby, you've got to put the time in, you know what I'm sayin. And you got to be able to go get it. And you better believe that Showtime Percy Watson has desire, determination, dedication to win season 2 NXT, you better believe that baby, you know what I'm sayin'! Oh yeah!"

"Okay then." I shake my head. 

"Thank you Showtime. Alex Riley let's keep this moving, what's gonna be your topic?"

Before he could even talk, everyone or almost everyone boos. I scoff. 

"Really? Well this will help you guys out, my topic is Alex Riley. Now I know that my behavior this year on NXT might not have uh...come correct with the WWE Universe and I...I can't help but thinking maybe I made a mistake on the way I approached this contest being ranked 5th tonight. I mean maybe...maybe I shouldn't have picked on poor little Kaval all season. I mean listen, he could barely even defend himself in real life."

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