Raw After SummerSlam

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The day ended up being a very long one, what with media and everything. But it's now around showtime and we're all sitting backstage waiting. The good thing about tonight was that Alex would be involved on Raw tonight, so he was dressed in his ring gear and vest and everything. Stef and I though had a tag team match. We were tagging with Maryse to face Gail, Eve and Melina. So all in all it was a good night planned. Out of all of us, we were the only two who had a match. Charity and Jon decided to go home for a few days, seeing as Jon wasn't needed for NXT this week since being kicked off. 

"So, what are you two doing tonight anyway?"

"Oh just a little interview backstage, what happens before that...well that's a surprise."

"Love surprises."

"We know you do."

"I'm just glad you're gonna be on Raw tonight."

"So am I."

It doesn't take long for the show to start and it starts as it normally does. Cole and Jerry tak briefly about the main event last night before Nexus had walked out to the ring to start the show. 

"Who lost at SummerSlam last night? Oh yeah, you guys." I snicker.

"And they're getting booed out of the building." Alex adds. 

"They say that, that doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger." Wade starts

"Still getting booed out of the building."

"Now Team WWE narrowly escaped with a victory last night. But The Nexus, we defeated six of the best that Monday Night Raw had to offer."

"More booing."

"And as you can see, rumors of our demise had been greatly exaggerated, because we are still here. We are still united, and we are still ready to dominate the WWE."


"You see, everybody was so concerned with what would happen if The Nexus were victorious at SummerSlam, that nobody paid any mind to what would happen if we tasted defeat."

"Like what, throw a hissy fit? I think we know." I roll my eyes. 

"Now unfortunately we did taste defeat and as a result, there are consequences to be faced. And those consequences are very very severe for the roster of Monday Night Raw. Because there will be more suffering, more destruction and chaos, more pain and misery for anybody who gets in our way. See last night, that was just temporary. And mark my words, from now on, no-" Wade gets cut off by John's music. 

"I must say I'm impressed. No no no, it's because, it's because Wade Barrett, he talks such a big game. I mean, he has to, he's the fearless leader of Nexus. He's got the resolve of Winston Churchill, and he's as tough as Snooki from the Jersey Shore."

"Ohhhh." I laugh. 

"You see-" John stops and laughs himself. "Wade I only say that because last night you tapped out."


"You tapped out-" John starts to say and the crowd follows. "Apparently all these people say SummerSlam too. Well what happened was, you tapped out, you caused Team Nexus to lose at SummerSlam. And now you're out here trying to talk about, the loss will make us bigger, it will make us stronger. Wade it's a lie. Right now you're really thinking to hell with Stalone, Willis and Austin, the Nexus are the Expendables!"

"Not even close." I scoff. 

"And after that surprise last night, I bet you are kicking yourself directly in the fish and chips thinking, why did I get rid of Daniel Bryan?"

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