Your Love's Like || 62

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"Good news, Mr. Perry!" The doctor says as he walked in. "You can go home earlier than expected!" He continued.

You must be wondering, 'why is he awake? I thought he was sleeping.' Well, fair explanation, I woke up. I couldn't sleep, full of excitement I guess.

---time lapse---

"Welcome home, Bradley!!" Everyone greeted me as I entered the house.

"Geez, guys. I have only been out for 1 night." I chuckled.

"That's how much we care." Peyton (L) says, in classy tone.

"Plus, we did this because this might be our last time to party all together." Corey says.

"What do you mean?" Sabrina says.

"Well, Aramis and I have a new movie coming up, and were filming it in Europe." Paris explains.

"I'm going back to the hometown, I'm taking care of my grandma." Peyton (M) says.

"Sarah and I, plus the kids, Brooke and Chloe, wants to have a family road trip, and were travelling around the world." Peyton (C) says.

"Ceci and I are planning to move to New York, I'm gonna ave my photography skills and she wants to join theater." Corey says.

"Cameron, Pey, Austin, Olivia, Luke, Piper, Jake, Rowan, G?" I ask.

"Jake and I have planned to live in San Francisco, after we get married." Rowan says.

"Hometown, visiting the folks." Cameron replies.

"Imma go to New York. Try to be a big fashion designer." Pey says.

"I have a new show, and it's based in France." Olivia pouts.

"Im gonna be in San Diego, filming a new movie." Luke says.

"I'm gonna be back home, spend time with my fambam." Piper smiles. A sad one.

"I'm gonna go to London. Just wanna try something different, you know?" G says.

"Austin?" Sabrina asks, like where is he going.

"Don't ask me, I'm not going anywhere. This is my house, where you are living. But, I'll be busy most of the time, working." He explains and let out a small chuckle.

Everybody smiles and laughs at his comment.

"When are you guys leaving?" Sabrina asked.

"After your wedding." They all replied.

Then the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" Pey says in a singsong tone.

Peyton L:
"May I help you?" I asked the girl with long brown hair and light blue eyes, nearly the same way Sabrina's eyes were.

"My me is Sophia. I just moved in the other side." She smiles and gives her hand.

"I'm Peyton. You must have seen me from Jessie, and Bunk'd on Disney Channel." I greeted.

"Wait, your Jacob's girlfriend right?" I ask remembering her from somewhere.

"Whiteside. Yeah, I am. How do you know?" She smiles.

"You look familiar. Probably seen you with him in the RDMA's, TCA's or KCA's."

"Probably." She said and smiled.

"Wanna come in?" I ask.

"Uhh, no need. I just want to give you this basket of goods." She says and hand me a big gift basket.

"Oh, okay. Thank you!" I say and she leaves.

I enter the living room with the gift basket.

"Who was that?" G asked.

"New neighbor." I replied.

At least, we know, Bradley, Sabrina, and Austin won't be alone.

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