Your Love's Like || 20

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Peyton M.:
Rowan just texted me and she said she wanted to meet up. So I dressed very good looking, if I say so myself. 'Cause I know, she's gonna pick me.

I finally decided who I want to be with. I get dressed into my Riley clothes and head to Jake's dressing room.

I open the door to see something I didn't want to see, and I thought it would be better if I stayed with Jake. But, no! I was wrong. Tears started to fall. I ran out of his dressing room and ran as far as I could.

"Baby! Please! It's not what you think." He says touching my shoulder.

I turned around to face him. Tears started to stream harder. I was making an ocean. "It's not what I think?!? You think that I'm that stupid to believe you?!?" I yelled at his face.

"She kissed me." Jake says tearing up.

"Oh sure. Like, she's just gonna go to your dressing room and kiss you." I say running away from him.

"But babe." He says kneeling down.

"Don't, babe me! Cause we. We are over!" I ran to Sabrina's dressing room.

Still crying, I sat down on the couch where Bradley and Sabrina were sitting and watching Netflix.

"What's wrong Rowboat?" Bradley and Sabrina ask in unison.

"Jinks! You owe me, hmmm.. A kiss?" Bradley says pointing at his cheek. Sabrina kissed his cheek and Bradley smiled.

"Row, what's wrong?" Sabrina asjs facing back at me.

"J-j-jake." I said stuttering.

They looked at each other. "What about Jake?" Bradley says, fury in his voice.

"He ch-ch-cheated on me." I cried again, but harder.

"Where is he?" Bradley says clenching his fist.

"No. Bradley, don't hurt your best friend." I said holding back my tears.

"Why not?" Sabrina asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"I didn't let him explain."

"Jake's probably bawling his eyes out. I'm going to him." Bradley said grabbing his jacket from the coat rack.

I ran to Jake's dressing room and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I turned the knob, it was unlocked. I rushed to the body on the floor.

"Jake!!" I yelled. Blood was on the floor. He had a black eye. Blood dripping from his nose. I called the ambulance.

Rowan texted me and said she has to cancel plans. This is all Jake's fault. I went to his dressing room and beat him. I didn't have to do much because he was already heartbroken. G is such a good actress. And for bonus Rowan saw everything.

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