Your Love's Like || 61

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Sabrina and I were laughing about a joke I told her. Olivia walked in, stopped in the middle of the room and smiled.

"Hey, Liv!" I smiled.

"Hi." She said.

"Where's everybody else?" I asked.

And right after I asked, they bursted through the doors one by one, talking. Asking, 'how have you been?' Or saying, 'its been a while since I've seen you.' The door cleared up and everybody dispursed. And this girl with black flowing hair, showed up. She turned around, and the moment I saw who she was, I smiled.

"Alex?" I reassured.

"Hey, Bradley." She smiled. Sabrina ran all the way to her and gave her a big hug.

"I missed you, Alex." I heard Sabrina say.

"So, how are you and Andrew?" Dove asked.

Then the door opened and I saw Andrew standing by the door. What is up with people just arriving after we mention their names?

"Andrew, my man!" I said as he approached me to give a hug.

"How've you been doing?" He asked.

"Been better." I chuckled.

"Oh, Bradster! Still the joker, I see." He smiled.

"And Drew, still the commentator... I see." I laugh.

"I missed you, and Alex. It has been way too long."

Alex and Andrew were our childhood friends, they were like me and Sabrina. But, ever since our parents argued, they moved and lost touch.

"I agree. We should go out sometime." Alex spoke up.

"Why not, tomorrow? When I'm out." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan."


We've been talking for hours, but of course, time passed by and decided it's their time to go home. Everybody went back home to get some sleep, except Sabrina.

"B?" I said as she was cleaning up.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Why did you decide to stay with me? When you can just have been with better guys." I ask.

"Because, to me, you are perfect." She replied giving me a warm smile.

"Perfect? That's not true, nobody's perfect." I said.

"Flaws. Flaws are what makes you perfect. Without flaws, you are not human." She laid by my side. "And, I love you." She said.

I smiled as she said those words, it took time for me to speak again.

"I love you too, B." I said and looked to her. And there she was fast asleep. I closed my eyes, and slept by my beautiful, soon to be wife.

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