Your Love's Like || 32

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Bowling was fun, except for the mere fact that Lily, interrupted the whole day by showing up.

"How does she know where we go?" an annoyed Aramis asks.

"I know where we can go, where she can't find us." Paris says smiling. "The café."

"Nice one Paris." Sabrina complimented her.

"Text the others to meet us there." Bradley commanded.

You must be wondering what I'm talking about. See, the gang and I decided to make our own café. Because the café we hang out in is too crowded. She won't go here because it's not yet done building.

"Go to our future café." I read out loud.

"Why are we going there?" Cameron asks.

"Eyes on the road and just go there." I commanded.

"Okay. Okay." He continued to drive.

My phone buzzed, meaning someone messaged me. I was driving so I couldn't answer.

"Hey, Pipes? Please answer my phone." I asked her as she detached my iPhone from the AUX cord.

"It's from Paris." She says reading the name.

"What does it say?" I say trying my best to keep my eyes on the road.

"Meet us at our future café." She read out loud.

"Why do we have to go there?" Peyton asks popping his head right beside my head.

"Maybe, because it's not yet done and Lily won't find us in a construction sight." Olivia says with a 'duh' tone.

"Okay, you have a point." Peyton says leaning back.

The whole trip was quiet, just the music from the radio.

We finally got there probably by 20-30 minutes.

"It's time you got here." Corey says looking at his watch.

"We're sorry, we we're making sure nobody was following us." Luke shot back.

Everyone was using their phones and sitting on the ground.

"Soooo..." I said breaking the silence.

"What are we gonna do now?" I ask since nobody would listen. You know what, I don't care anymore. "If you need me, I'll be with the construction workers helping with the future café." I say loud enough for them to hear.

"Okay, be careful." Jake says obviously not paying any attention. I left the room we were currently in and went to the part where the counter will stay.

"Hey, guys!" I greet the construction workers, Ricky and Hayden.

"Hey, G! What's up?" Hayden greets me with his free hand.

"Nothing. Just wonderin' if I could help out."

"Oh, you can add the chalkboard on the counter and paint it afterwards." Ricky smiles handing me a paintbrush and the beige paint.

"Oh, and wear this. To keep your clothes clean." Josh throws me a white jumper.

"Thanks Josh!" I waved at him. He smiles back.

The guys and I were just practically working and chatting at the same time. Then my phone rang. "G, someone named Ceci is calling you." Ricky said looking at the caller ID and handing my phone back.

(Bold - G , italic - Ceci)



The one and only.

Where are you? We're worried sick.

Gee, thought so. I have been gone for 2 whole hours, and you only noticed now?


No worries. I'm just with Hayden and Ricky.

What? Where?

I'm still in the future café, with Hayden and Ricky. I have been helping out. For. 2. Hours.

Why didn't you tell us?

I did. No one was paying attention. So why bother?

We're a family. And family sticks together.

Okay, Ceci. I'll just be here with Ricky and Hayden, helping out at the counter area.


I hung up and went back to work.

It's been 2 hours and it was so quiet. I stood up to stretch a little and noticed G was missing.

"Guys? Where's G?"

"What?" Peyton M says looking around.

"She must've left." Sari says standing up as well.

I decided to call her.

(Bold - G , italic - Ceci)



The one and only.

Where are you? We're worried sick.

Gee, thought so. I have been gone for 2 whole hours, and you only noticed now?


No worries. I'm just with Hayden and Ricky.

What? Where?

I'm still in the future café, with Hayden and Ricky. I have been helping out. For. 2. Hours.

Why didn't you tell us?

I did. No one was paying attention. So why bother?

We're a family. And family sticks together.

Okay, Ceci. I'll just be here with Ricky and Hayden, helping out at the counter area.


"She's alright." I say telling everybody.

"Where is she?" P asks.

"She's still here. With Ricky and Hayden."

"Okay. At least, I know she's fine."

*time lapse*

I checked the time it was already 6:00. G came back.

"It's already late. Are we gonna stay the night here?" Aramis says getting comfy on the floor.

"Nope." Bradley replies.

"Where are we going to stay?" Dove asks.

"In the nearby hotel." Bradley smiles, leaving the room and heads out. We all follow him and get a big room for all of us to share.

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