Your Love's Like || 15

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Piper just said Austin was in the hospital. Oh no! What happened to my brother, not actually, of course.

It's probably 1 in the morning and I can't sleep. I'm lying on the couch with Sabrina, her head on top of my chest, she's so pretty. She's the best thing that I got. It's a quarter to 2 and I have finally fallen asleep, next to my princess.

I have finally calmed from last nights events, I'm just happy I get to see Austin, even if he's on a hospital bed.

I was the first one to wake up so I headed to the shower first and woke everybody else. But before I woke up Bradley and Sabrina, I took a picture first.

I heard a camera sound, when I was sleeping. I woke up and realized Piper has taken a picture of Bradley and I sleeping.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Piper says showing me the picture. Awwwe, Bradley looks so cute when he's sleeping.

"Awwwee.." Sari says walking in with her phone in hand.

"You posted it?" I ask.

"Nope." She said popping the P.

"Then, how. Did. Sari. See?" I asked Piper nearly freaking out.

"I sent it to everybody in the gang." Piper says.

"Oh." I said calming down.

G: (first time. Yay!)
Today, is the day. The day we see Austin in the hospital. I feel bad for Piper, she seems really lost without him.

Peyton M: (I think this is the first.)
I wake up and everybody is in the kitchen. They all seem ready to leave. So, I took a quick shower, and headed towards all of them.

"Everybody ready to see Austin?" I ask getting my car keys.

"Yeah." They all said with depression in their voices.

We headed down to the lobby and checked-out. We went to the parking lot and went in my car, we didn't all fit so the others rode in Bradley's car.

>>>time lapse
We arrived at the hospital and asked the nurse by the counter where his room is.

"Austin North, uhhh, he's in room 196." She says looking at her clipboard.

We headed towards the room and there he is, lying on a hospital bed with a doctor checking up on him.

"Are you Mr. North's family?"

"Uhh, no. I'm his girlfriend." Piper says.

"What's your name, ma'am?" The doctor asks.

"Piper, Piper Curda." She says tears beginning to fall down.

"Well, Ms. Curda. Mr. North, he's, uhhh."

"What's wrong with him?" Piper said cutting him off.

"He's in a coma." She started crying, everybody did.

Bradley went up to Austin, he was crying, feeling all the pain. Sabrina calmed him down, but she ended up crying.

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