t h i r t y - s e v e n

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t h i r t y - s e v e n :

"Luke." I breath out, but his glassed over eyes keep staring straight at me, but at the same time, not at me, through me. "Please don't hurt me Daddy."

He blinks a few times before blinking down a tear, and his gun lowers just the slightest bit, aiming more down at my shoulder.

Ashton, who is beside and behind me, grabs my hand, but none of us move. After knowing that Luke shot Fletcher, none of us doubted that he won't shoot us if we made a move.

Luke's eyes catch on Ashton beside me, and on his hand holding mine, and the gun quickly moves to Ashton.

I guess you could say that time stopped in that moment, and if you did, you be correct. I remember every small movement made around the room.

Most of all I remember stepping in front of Ashton, and impact of the bullet through my shoulder.

In the shock of it all, when Luke lowered his gun to rush to me, Brandon and Calum tackled him, right outside Ashton's front door, while my vision went in and out of focus.

The pain didn't hit immediately, but started as a dull throb.

My knees buckled under the sudden weight on my shoulders and Ashton let go of my hand.

I can't really say that I dropped to the ground because I had Ashton behind me to guide me to sitting on the hard wooden floor.

I could hear the sound of fists hitting Luke's face as I hear Calum shout to Brandon, "Stop man, it's not worth it. We need to go."

Ashton scoops me up, and I can't see his eyes, everything's blurry, I can only see motion as it goes by.

"I need to do one more thing." I hear Brandon say to Calum.

But for a second, my vision is able to focus, and I can see Brandon picking up Luke's gun, where it lied next to his unconscious body, and point it at his head.

"No." I say, but it sounds like a whisper with all the strange commotion going on around me.

No one hears it.

Brandon doesn't hear it.

And only moments after, in a swift motion, the gun was pointing at his gut.

And so the next thing I hear, is the second gunshot of the moment, when time stops again and I can feel my insides dying.

You can hear a groan escape from Luke's lips as the pain awakens him, and I reach to him but Ashton holds me back, scooping me up.

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