Chapter 43 - Brokenhearted Part 1

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Chapter 43


I had been discharged from hospital that afternoon and was lying in my bed. We were moving into our new house the next morning, so my mum was in my room packing up my clothes into two suitcases because she wanted me to rest.

The doctors at the hospital told us that what happened in Kyle’s car must have been a delayed reaction to when he hit me; they said I had a concussion. I had called him three times since I had woken up from my nap but he hadn’t answered at all. I decided to ping him: ‘why aren’t you talking to me?’

I waited for a response for about half an hour, and then decided to get up and help my mum with my clothes. Anton came into my room and asked if we wanted something to eat. We were on speaking terms again after he apologised to me when we were in the hospital, but he seemed to think that Kyle hitting me had been a regular occurrence and wouldn’t listen when I told him it was just that one time.

I picked up my phone and looked at my recent updates where I saw that Kyle had changed his status to ‘time for a fresh start.’ He had also read the message I had sent him because the D above the tick had changed to an R.

As soon as I saw that R, my stomach began knotting up. Fair enough, when we had been arguing in his car I had said some hurtful things but we were both pissed off, and he was the one who tried to hit me again.

I didn’t know what to do, so I just sat there for a while holding my phone. Eventually, I snapped out of my trance and decided to go and have a bath. After my bath and having some dinner, I looked at my phone again and saw that Kyle had disappeared off of my BBM contacts list. He had obviously deleted me… if that’s the kind of games he wants to play then so be it. I had no reason to speak to him anymore anyway; Tyrell had told me in the hospital that he didn’t think they would ever be best friends again.


I was sitting in the van my mum had rented with my older brother Byron. We were just having a general conversation until he asked me why I seemed so depressed. He knew that I had had a boyfriend thanks to my mother’s big mouth, so I just said that we had broken up.

“You’re too young to be getting depressed over boys, princess” he said, shaking his head

“Says the guy who had his first child when he was 17…”

“That’s not the point though, is it? My point is finish your education, then you can worry about boys. You don't wanna end up like me and Keira, we were way too young when we had Keiron, and neither of us got to enjoy our youth properly. I’m talking from experience”

I just nodded my head and changed the subject. Out of my whole family, only Tyrell, Anton, Chelsea and Oryan knew that I had had an abortion. I pondered on whether or not I should mention it to Byron; I didn’t think he would be upset about the fact I’d had an abortion, but the fact that I had had sex in the first place.

We pulled up in front of the house and started taking things inside. As promised, I was having the second biggest bedroom. My mother’s fiancé, Raphael, was in the kitchen putting some shelves up. I walked into the kitchen with a box full of cups and put it down on the countertop.

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