In love With A Jackass (Chapter 12)

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Chapter 12

Lance kissed Nellie on the cheek saying his goodbyes and exchanged numbers to hang out again. Nellie promised him a cup of coffee to return the favor. Lance happily accepted, glad he had found a new friend. He sat back down on the metal chair right outside of the bistro. He sipped slowly at his coffee and took a big bite of the cheese Danish.

He had a fitting for his tux in the afternoon with Ian and Kim. Apparently neither of them trusted Lance with this, they pushed themselves on him to let them choose. He was going to be one of the groomsmen. But he had a feeling it was more to get away from Kim's mother than them wanting to dress up Lance. He finished off his breakfast and called Kim to make sure when to get there.


"Yeah we're here already. No Ian couldn't make it;Jessica and I" Kim spoke over the phone. "Okay see you soon."

"Who was that ?" Jessica asked coming out of the dressing room in a man's tux. She twirled in front of Kim and she laughed.

"Your butt is too small to fit into those pants."
"Don't be jealous of my bubble butt." Jessica joked "Who was that?" Jessica asked again.

"Lance. He's near by." Kim said an went back to inspecting the tux she picked out for him. He would look so dashing in it. It was going to be fitted for his exact body. Lance was tall and lean, he would incredible in a tux. "Look there he is. Wow that was quick."

Jessica turned to see Lance running to cross the street from the glass door his hair swept back from the wind. His shirt stuck to his skin revealing every inch of his muscles and Jessica hated to admit it but she was drooling. Closing her mouth Jessica turned away from him , but not quick enough to miss the boyish smile on his face. Her insides turned but she didn't. Lance had her thinking from day one and she hated that she could get so weak in the knees over some guy.

"Hello ladies." He entered filling the room with his just showered scent. Jessica halfway expected him to smell like a woman, like he has been tumbling around in the sheets with another woman. She bit hard on her lip stopping herself from saying anything.

"Hey Lance. You look nice. Had a great night I hear." Kim said holding out the tux over him to get a better picture.

"I'll take that." He took the tux away from Kim ready to change. It was a great night. Thank Ian for me. I needed that."

"Hi Jess" he nodded casually and went into the fitting room. Jessica bit the inside of her mouth keeping herself from saying the things going on in her head out in the open. She wanted to curse him out, she waned t grab his hair and shake him until he apologized. Until he apologized for sleeping with someone else. Kim walked to Jessica's side waiting for Lance ot come back out.

"Okay, prepare to be amazed!" Lance announced. They mostly had the store to themselves. There was only one other person who was in the far corner looking at ties. Lance walked out and Kim's eyes widened.

"Oh you look-wow!" Kim couldn't say anything else. Lance grinned turning to Jessica.

"Eh? Eh? How does it look?" he winked. Jessica nodded admiring his physique. Jessica was angry, how could he forget about her so easily? They shared a very intimate morning yesterday and he just exchanged her for something hotter the next day? She never pegged him as a player.

"Looks good" she choked out. Jessica realized she was not only angry but she was hurt as well. Lance focused on her face about to ask her exactly what was bothering her but Kim took Lance back in the fitting room so she could tell the tailor what to fix. Jessica choked back tears unable to get Lance and Nellie smiling and walking together out of her head. He seemed s smitten. He barely noticed her when he came in. Everyone noticed her. Jessica exhaled letting out the frustration and pain she was feeling and put on a brave face.

"Hey guys I think I might leave early. I uh have a lot of things to do." Jessica said.

"No wait!" Kim rushed out the fitting room leaving Lance behind. "I have to leave, mom is meeting with the caterers so she'll be busy. This is the only time I get with Ian. Please stay with Lance, he'll drop you off. My ride is here" She waved at the black Audi parked outside with a very impatient Ian in it.

"Wow you two really want it bad." Jessica laughed. Kim kissed her on the cheek and ran out the door. Jessica stayed outside running her fingers over various silk ties. She spotted the only other guy in the store. Lance was taking too long with his alterations.

"Looking for some ties?" Jessica asked making light conversation. The man looked up from admiring a black striped tie.

"Yes" he said in a clipped tone and went back to inspecting another but gaudy orange tie.

"Buying it for a special event? Jessica inquired. She was bored.

"For my boyfriend" he answered back putting the tie back and looking directly at Jessica. She smiled at him. "I'm taken lady ,and you are not my type." Jessica raised her hand in fornt of her trying to justify her.

"Oh no, no I wasn't trying to hit on you" she started to laugh. "I was just curious."

"Okay. Sorry I thought-" he gave Jessica a small nod and went back to looking at tie. "It's his birthday." He replied a little friendlier this time

"Oh a special night." Jessica winked "Gonna tie up your boyfriend with those silk tie?"

"Uh" he just stared at her.

"Very Fifty Shades of Grey" Jessica nodded.

"I have to go. Nothing to find here." He dropped all the ties and rushed out the door.

Jessica slapped a hand over her mouth. She didn't have to say that. This is what boredom does to her.

"That was unnecessary." Lance came behind her, smiling. " Never seen a man run away from you that fast before. It's usually the other way around" he joked. Jessica didn't laugh, she turned and looked up at him. He was back in his normal clothes looking more relaxed.

"What?" He asked wiping away invisible nothings off his face. "Is there something on my face?" he stopped.

"No, nothing. Let's go" she said trying not to look at him again. She stayed quiet and Lance was beginning to feel the cold shoulder. They drove in complete silence. They had to walk a mile until they reached Lance's car and even then she didn't say a thing.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked. Jessica kept staring out the window. "Is there something bothering you?"

"Like you care" she mumbled.

"Wait what?" he asked trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"Nothing." She closed off again. Lance tightened his grip on the steering wheel and asked her again.

"What's wrong?" he asked stopping the car earning honks and some cusses.

"What am I to you?" she asked. "Just another conquest?" she spat.

"What are you talking about?" Lance asked turning towards her.

"I saw you today with that girl Lance. How can you be with me one day and another woman the next?" she asked staring him right in his blue eyes.

"Nellie? Jessica that wasn't what you think. We met last night-but nothing happened. Ian introduced us she came back to my place but we didn't do anything." He told her.

"You don't have to lie to me Lance. It's not like we're serious."

"Jessica you have to understand I was drunk and I assure you nothing happened. You aren't some one night stand okay?" Lance spoke trying make her understand.

"I think I'll walk."

"Jessica come on- please don't do this."

"Don't you dare follow me!" she ordered and walked away leaving a very confused and angry Lance. This woman would be the end of him. No matter how unfair she had sounded, he couldn't help but feel awful for hurting her the way he did. Of course he didn't do anything but to Jessica it sure seemed that way. Lance closed his eyes running his hands through his hair frustrated. Lance didn't know what to do, but speak to Jessica face to face and it doesn't matter how stubborn she is he will make her listen.

***Short I know, but let me know what you think. Also please check out my new story The Vixen. I know you'll enjoy it! ****

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